Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Sunburns, Sand, and Freckles

I had every good intention of blogging last night but other things kept coming up. Besides my hand still hurt from using a pick-axe and trying to type on the lap-top was very hard.

So, I made it through my first camping trip in a dozen or so years relatively unscathed and in one piece. What is more amazing is that I am not burned to a crisp. As a member of the Pale Blue Irish Society I have a tendency to burn just by looking at the sun through the windows of my house. SPF 48 is a wonderful thing.

Shopping Thursday night was actually rather fun. The Frauline is a great gal altogether and the trip would not have been as much fun without her. I am keeping the Costco bill a secret for now cause I don't want the BF to know how much I spent and start worrying over money. The boys wanted a bug collector that one of their friends has. We searched High and Low for this particular item but alas no such thing was to be found. The eldest was reduced to tears as we were leaving. I think some of those pubescent hormones are kicking in cause he's getting moody and even more sensitive then usual. I thought that having boys would save me from dealing with teenage hormonal histrionics but alas....
Friday morning got off to a very slow start.
  • 5am - alarm goes off
  • 5:07 - alarm goes off again
  • 5:14 - alarm goes off (BF rolls over and hides under blanket)
  • 5:21 - alarm goes off and gets turned off. If he isn't going to get out of bed neither am I
  • 6:34 - I drag both of us out of bed and demand that we get this show on the road
  • 8:20-ish - We're on our way back down south after dropping off the boys. A call from the brother, did we pack something (I forget what it was)? This reminds me that I forgot to pack the hamburger patties (out main food item for the next 4 days). We go home before meeting them at the shop and grab the hamburger and a few other last minute items
  • 10-ish - and we're off....... (two hours behind schedule)
I don't know how other people amuse themselves on long car rides but I generally like to read. Somedays though I just can't get into a book or I get car sick. This was one of those times. So we played Guess the Driver. We'd pick out a car and based on what type it is and how it was being driven we'd have to guess the gender and age of the driver. I like to fill in other parts of the description as well.

Sample from our game: 2000 Tiburon with front passenger side fender damage
My guess - pissed off asian female in her early 20s who's driving her boyfriend's car to work because he took her car this morning because her's doesn't have the damage and will look cooler when he goes to the illegal street race tonight.
BF's guess - 30-ish male making minimum wage and trying to have a car that looks fast (but isn't). Damage came when he peeled out from the Jack-In-The Box this morning after they screwed up his breakfast order. Real answer - Young asian male. Yes it's a stupid game but it kills time and makes us laugh.

About the campsite, or as it is called by everyone who goes there every year, The Property, (capitals are a must) it's about half a mile from the beach and has two 5th wheel trailers on it. Only one of which is used. The distance to the beach isn't much of a problem since they generally bring the quads and use them to get around. This year we also brought the Kasea buggy with us. It's a two seater that it came in handy plus it's loads of fun to drive along the beach. The most important part of the whole thing is that the trailer has a working toilet. Yes there was no outdoor peeing for me. No bug bites on the butt. No dodging of pee as it splashes on the ground. No hunting for the perfect private spot to squat only to be "found" by unsuspecting passers-by. A little closet sized heaven.

I'll have to give you more details of the trip later. For now I actually have work to do and office gossip to catch up on.

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