Monday, July 18, 2005

Yup, I am lost

What a fabulous way to start my week. I opened up my e-mail and, color me amazed, I have comments! Yip yip yippeee! On a side note, ever read through something that you've written and find spelling and grammar errors that you missed finding before you posted or turned in your work? Okay it's probably just me.

Unless you live under a rock it can't have escaped your notice that the 6th Harry Potter book was released on Saturday. Way back in January I was ordering books on-line and had put this book in my "basket" to have it delivered to my house bright and early on the day of it's release. All was well until it came check-out time and I was informed that all my books would ship at one time. In other words, the other 9 books I was buying wouldn't ship to me until the HP book shipped. Totally not acceptable! I had just started a new book series and NEEDED those other 9 books. Picture a crack whore with no crack in sight. So HP came out of the basket and a book on Celtic history went in. I made a mental note to pre-order HP, but like many of the mental notes I make it got lost in the chaos. End of story - the 16th arrives without the long awaited HP book landing on my doorstep. Damn.

Tuesday is fast approaching and with it my trip to the new offices in Redmond to meet my new co-workers. So this past Saturday I decided to drive out to the new place, kind of check the route I am going to have to take. Did I bring the address with me. No. Why would I do that? I know where it is - kind of. Well Redmond is pretty familiar to me I've driven through there and have spent a fair amount of time in that area so I wasn't really worried about it.

On the way back home I decided to take this back road which I thought would take me pretty close to home. After all it went south and that's where I needed to go.  How far south it went was the question. Well the answer is; pretty dang far people. I was feeling pretty good about this little detour until I realized that I the road I had counted on taking me the rest of the way home was closed for construction. Okay, there has to be another road to get me where I am going around here right? Apparently not. I am in the neighborhood from hell. It's all cul-de-sacs and dead ends everywhere I turn. When I pass the same blue house with the beautiful prairie style chimney (that really needs some repair work) for the third time I admit to myself that I am hopelessly lost.

I pull over and call every single person I know who has a computer and who could possibly give me some directions. No one, not a single one of them is home. If they do answer the phone they're on their cells driving somewhere or are out of the house having a life. How dare they? Don't they know that they have to be at home waiting beside their computers ready to help me get out of the trouble that I get myself into? I finally call the BF's mom, who is very willing to help but unfortunately couldn't find me any other way to get home other then via the closed road. I finally make my way back to a main road and defying conventional wisdom turn Right; the opposite direction from where I5 should have been. This turns out to be an okay move as it leads me to a road I sort of recognize which in turn brings me to road I am more familiar with and 30 mins later I am home. Oh well, it was better then pulling weeds.

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