Friday, July 22, 2005

Can you get the Friday blues?

Happy Friday everyone.'s raining. We've a nice run of sunny weather here in Seattle, almost two weeks worth of sunshine, so naturally it's time for the clouds and rain to make an appearance and remind us all that we do indeed live in the Pacific Northwest. It's a good thing too cause all us pale native Washingtonians were wilting with the heat and begining to shrivel up because the dry air. We need the cool moist breezes that come in off the ocean to sustain the moss between our toes.

The BF received a call yesterday from a company he's done contract work for in the past. They want to send him to China for two months to work with their manufacturing facility redesigning some of their product line. It's an amazing opportunity and I am very excited for him. I am just feeling a little sorry for myself though right now. I think I underestimated how lonely I would be moving down south. I am not very good at meeting people and making friends. The farther I sink into this depression the less inclined I am to get out of the house and do things. Because of the BF getting laid off and me not receiving any child support right now I am being very careful with my money. Many of the plans I had made, to fix up the yard and do some projects in the house, have been put on hold until I can catch up financially. What I have found is that it's a good neighborhood to go for walks in. The boys and I have started going for walks each night before bedtime.

Over all though I think I have a case of buyers remorse. The school district down there sucks. I am worried that the boys won't get a proper education. If I didn't work with the BF and drive to and from work with him I would hardly ever see him. The house is tiny and there is too much stuff in it. Because of the merger my commute to work has been lengthened to almost an hour and a half each way. I am tired of telling everyone how great things are and how happy I am when it's not and I am not. I knew all these things (except the change in commute) when I moved in so I have no one to blame but myself.

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