Tuesday, July 12, 2005

2 Days and counting

Just sent off and e-mail to the frex letting him know how to get the boys out of their new daycare this Friday. Who wants to lay odds on him calling me later today claiming to be broke and out of gas and unable to make the drive down to Covington to get them? Anyone? Anyone?
Hot Import Nights is just over two weeks away and the building frenzy is on down at the shop. The BF has started to once again spend his nights down there, coming home around midnight or later.  The show should be great though and I am sure it will be worth all the time and trouble we have to go through to get ready for it. It had better be. After all I am giving up going to my family's reunion and the BF is missing out on his 10 yr HS reunion; both of which fall on the same weekend as the show. Adam's girlfriend, who went to the last big show while I was in MA, wasn't sure she was going to go to this one. Too many car hos for her to handle. Now that she knows I'll be there she is thinking of coming along as well. I am hoping that AC, and E&S will make it as well. The more people the better. Besides AC loves him some car hos.
I built a bookcase last night. God bless IKEA. It's not the greatest bookcase ever but it'll serve it's purpose for now. Right now it's home to most of my hardback books and some of my brass and china collection as well. Three more empty boxes! That's what really excites me the most about the whole thing. I know - pretty pathetic.

The boys met Fred yesterday. Fred is the little kid who lives across the street. Fred's dad is......odd. Fred's mom is odd too because she lives with Fred's dad who as I said is....odd. Fred is allowed in our house but I don't think the same will hold true for the boys and Fred's house. By the way....I love the name Fred.....can you tell? It's just fun to say.

I am starving. Extra strong black tea just isn't cutting it this morning. I am debating the merits of going into the kitchen and eating more Chex Mix. It didn't do me wrong yesterday. I just wish I had a better alternative. But beggars can't be choosers and since the Chex Mix is free.....well you get the point. Yup the stomach wins this round. I am off to go stuff my face.
Happy Tuesday everyone.

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