Friday, July 15, 2005

Um...that was weird

Yesterday was my one year anniversary. Yup one year ago I packed up the kids and myself and with $5 in my pocket and 1/4 tank of gas I left the frex. Best decision I ever made. Funny now to look back and know that I'd only made that decision about two hours before. Sometimes enough is enough.

When I logged on today I saw that my previous post had been saved as a draft. The posting took longer then usual on Wednesday and I guess it never did complete successfully. At least it was saved as a draft instead of being lost forever.

I was flipping through channels last night (my god TV is boring) and noticed that we get 3 shop at home channels, 3 religious, 2 foreign language, 1 Canadian, 1 all news, 1 all local sports, and 10 regular program channels - 2 of which are PBS. So with only 21 channels to choose from you can understand why I was so damn bored. I have to talk to the BF about upgrading his cable. Yeah I should have been outside pulling weeds or having yet another Nerf dart war with the boys but I wanted to veg out for a few hours. Naturally I ended up watching two dumbasses try to disprove evolution for about 20 mins until I got so fed up with their selective sampling of science and the half truths they were spitting out that I ended up on Shop at Home. Yes sparkling things caught my eye and I was hooked. Lets just skip ahead and say that I am expecting a package to arrive at home in about 3 days. I am calling it an anniversary gift to myself. That's my story and I am sticking to it.

We were driving home yesterday and I saw this large silver thing in the sky. Nothing all that noteworthy since we live in the land of Boeing. But this thing was huge and seemed to just be hovering there. I thought maybe it was a blimp, I could only catch small glimpses of it through the trees. We finally round a bend in the road and OMG it's a 777 coming almost straight at us about 500 feet off the ground. "Holy sh**!" says I gripping onto the BF's arm. What an amazing sight. The plane was landing at Boeing field, naturally. This was the first time I'd seen an airplane of that size land there. We usually see helicopters and small airplanes take off and land all day but never one of the larger planes. It reminded me of flying into San Diego. If you've ever been there you'll know what I am talking about.

Well I am off to redo the last half dozen projects I've done recently. Equipment changes after the fact - drives me crazy but at least their easy and fast.

Happy Friday everyone - have a great weekend.


Theresa said...

Good for you for getting while the getting was good. Happiest of anniversaries to you and your kids!! Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Wish I could say I was Madman. Alas I am the engineer who designs the sound and video systems that either entertain or annoy people while they shop and eat. If you ever go into a CompUSA or eat at Texas Roadhouse take a moment to enjoy (or being annoyed by) the music and the TV's. Now you know who to blame.