Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Pampered Pets

I have actually had to do real work this week. I know, I know, it's a shock to me too but let's all hang in there together and we'll get through this. It would help of course if people would quit buying over priced crap for their pets so that one of my main accounts could slow down building new stores. They are a great account and I love them dearly but they are on a tear recently. Today I will be drafting out my 15th location for this month. This is second only to Feb so far when we had 20 new stores pass thru my office.

I used to think cat people were crazy. Okay I still do. Dressing your cat up in little costumes and taking pictures of them to bring to work and annoy your co-workers crosses the line into crazyville in my opinion. However I have recently met some dog owners that are making those costume loving cat owners look very sensible. Dog Dancing anyone? Anyone? I was discussing an article I had read in Slate about Dog Dancing classes and how I didn't understand why anyone would do that when a woman at the next table proceeded to tell me how wrong I was and how her and her two dogs just LOVE dancing together. She then whips out pictures of her and the canines in question dancing at a nursing home for the enjoyment of the residents. The residents I might add have looks on their faces of either utter boredom or sheer confusion about what the hell is going on. I was only able to extricate myself from the conversation by looking at a non-existent clock on the wall above her head and exclaiming how I needed to get back to work.

The long hours at the shop continue. The BF didn't get home last night till after 1am. This is better then 4:30; the time he came home Monday night (Tuesday morning). Tonight will be another long night and Thursday he probably won't come home at all. The car is suppose to roll into the Exhibition Center at 3pm Friday. From everything I have heard they will probably make the deadline but it's gonna be close. The undercarriage lights didn't ship

when they were suppose to so they won't be here in time to mount onto the car. At least they were able to get the rest of the wire and terminals that they needed. I've stopped going to the shop to see the progress. I want to see the finished project, see where all that hard work and long hours went. I think that taking unemployment and relaxing for a month or two is the best idea the BF right now. He needs a break, and if the car generates the business they are hoping it will, he'll need to be able to devote some more time down there. Preferably during normal business hours. After all I didn't move in with him to never see him and just act as his maid.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As a matter of fact....yes. We have a full theater system at home that can be heard almost two blocks away. Building speakers is a favorite hobby of the BF so consequently there are speakers in every room of the house except the bathroom. Our power bill is rediculously high because of all the audio/video equipment.
Our next project is to mount an LCD and a touch panel controler to the bed so we can controll all the A/V systems from there.