Thursday, June 30, 2005

May a camel come out your....

The HR gal from the company that we've merged with came in this morning to help us all fill out the "new hire" paperwork. I'd asked her to bring in the form for medical coverage for a Domestic Partner. Hmmmm turns out you have to have been living together for at least six months. Guess these past six days aren't going to cut it. The BF wasn't that surprised or upset by this little set back. I'm sure he'll find a job before the six months are up but at least we know that it is possible for him to be covered under my policy. I have another problem though. I don't have a social security card. I am pretty darn sure I grabbed it when I left the Frex but it's where abouts right this moment are a mystery. It might be easier to go to the dept of records and get a copy of my birth certificate then to try and get another copy of my S.S. card. Or I might go for a passport. Hmmm wonder what it takes to get one of those. I'll have to ask the BF. He had to get one for his last job. Besides I think it would be cool to have a passport. It would fit in perfectly with my plans to one day soon go to Ireland.

I left work early today hoping to avoid traffic. No dice. I don't think there is a good time of day to travel along the southern part of I405. This green Maxima was weaving in and out of traffic all along I90. Dumb biotch still ended up behind me as we merged onto 405. Driving crazy like that really doesn't get you anywhere. You hear that Miss "Drive it like you stole it" license place holder? I would hope that if you were gonna steal a car you would steal something better then a Maxima.

So I am suppose to go shopping with the BF's brother's girlfriend. Costco - lovely. Okay Costco is one of the coolest places to shop cause they have the best sh**, and is mass quanities, but it's also a pain in the ass to shop at. The lines are always horrendous and I am always tempted to spend about three times as much as I should. Or can.  I have to come with a grocery list. I don't even know how it is that we will be cooking and storing food. How the frell am I suppose to figure out what to buy without even this basic information. I have to go track down the BF and sit on him until he gives me some answers. Or we end up shagging. Hmmm that one sounds pretty good actually.

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