Friday, July 08, 2005

Meeting Meltdown

For my first post merger meeting things went about as well as expected. When our old president, who is now our new executive vice president, said that the next few months are going to suck it was first time I think he's told us the truth in almost a year. My desire to stay here and see how thing shake out, ie see if a project/account mgr position opens up, is lessening daily. I almost wish it was me that was let go so that I would feel more of a push to find a new job. Why is it that we will settle for something that makes us unhappy just because the thought of change is so scary?

Why are we willing to sacrifice ourselves to conform to the expectations of others?
Is looking out for yourself really such a bad thing?
Companies have no shame about being disloyal to their employees; why then do we feel the need to be loyal to them?

And lastly; is the reverse position of 69 (man on top) called 96?

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