Wednesday, July 13, 2005

...and the Micky Mouse high heels you came prancing in on

Happy Hump Day everyone!

So yes it's Wednesday and my day got off to a late start but hey the dry spell is over so it's all good. I have to go to my "new job" next Tuesday for a meet and greet/orientation thing. Yippee. I was kind of an add along when the new boss invited the acct mgr over.
In other work news I am on my third printing of the same job.  We're putting new speakers into these stores and I forgot to pull out the mounting instructions for the old speakers. Oooops my bad. So I take another run at it and then spend some time searching for a supplier of cheap RCA stereo patch cords because the account mgr informs me that while we have had the installers buy them in the past she would like us to supply them from now on. I find one and send it off to our purchasing mgr for approval and addition to our inventory system so that I can include one in the job and all other jobs for this acct in the future.

I send the drawings to print, second time, and am waiting for the patch cord to be put into the system before I print out a modified equipment list. Drawings are done but I am still waiting for the inventory update. Along comes the account mgr, "For the ***** project, I want you to put in the A series amp and pull out the BG, be sure to include the right MOH module and we'll be using these new amps for all projects going forward." She says as she makes her morning rounds. Fabulous. Re-do the drawings - no need for that stereo patch cord now - the A series doesn't have RCA connectionss on the back, only screw terminals. Print the drawing, for the third time and redo the equipment list. Now the whole package costs $120 more then it did before, it's harder for our installers to wire up because they have to cut the end off an RCA cable and wire it into the module that they have to install into the back of the amp. And by the way there is no system improvement by using this amplifier. True it won't go into protect mode and cut it's output down if it's under stress like the BG will thereby cutting down the volume on the system but what it does do is shut it's self off. So instead of a quiet music system you have NO music system. Good Choice! And did I mention that she doesn't dare pass along this price increase to the client so we are going to have to eat the extra $120. Yup she's a smart one.

For those of you keeping track - the frex sent an e-mail and left a voice message within an hour of my e-mail to him, letting me know that he has to work the next two weekends and isn't able to see the boys. Lovely.

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