Thursday, July 28, 2005

How much is it worth to you?

As expected the BF didn't make it home last night. On the upside I had the best night's sleep. I love having the bed to myself. Left alone I tend to sleep diagonally across the bed and have the covers twisted up around me. I missed having him there, don't get me wrong but damn....big bed all the pillows and blankets to myself....Heaven.

So I rolled into his shop this morning to pick up the parking garage pass and there he was up under the dash of the car wiring up stuff. This car is suppose to roll onto the exhibition floor in just over 24 hours and the interior is still not done. The seats are out of it. The finish trim pieces around the center console aren't in. I didn't look in the back so I am going to guess that the sub boxes and amps are installed and I saw that they were able to cut through the carbon/kevlar and put in the door speakers. I am pretty sure they'll be done in time but man they are cutting it close. It still needs to be detailed out and I don't know if they've fixed the wiring for the electronic windows yet.

In other news, the movers will be in the office Friday. Can I say once again how much I don't want to move? I hate Redmond - it's souless. Office Park Hell! Don't even get me started on going to work in the "He Man Woman Haters Homo Club" that is their engineering dept. I have my eye on a palm plant in our lobby. My boss said if it makes it's way into my car he won't tell anyone. Hmmm wonder what else I could fit in my trunk. We have a fully stocked bar and beer fridge here at work. Friday we're having a big "Drink it while we can" party cause we're not being allowed to take it to Redmond with us. There are some great wines here I wouldn't mind opening up and having a glass of but I do have to drive home so I think I am going to have to skip the party. Damn.

I don't know if I'll have an internet connection at the car show this weekend but if I do I'll blog from there. I may have to figure out how to post pictures on this blog so I can share the car and the car hos with everyone.

Happy Thursday y'all.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Pampered Pets

I have actually had to do real work this week. I know, I know, it's a shock to me too but let's all hang in there together and we'll get through this. It would help of course if people would quit buying over priced crap for their pets so that one of my main accounts could slow down building new stores. They are a great account and I love them dearly but they are on a tear recently. Today I will be drafting out my 15th location for this month. This is second only to Feb so far when we had 20 new stores pass thru my office.

I used to think cat people were crazy. Okay I still do. Dressing your cat up in little costumes and taking pictures of them to bring to work and annoy your co-workers crosses the line into crazyville in my opinion. However I have recently met some dog owners that are making those costume loving cat owners look very sensible. Dog Dancing anyone? Anyone? I was discussing an article I had read in Slate about Dog Dancing classes and how I didn't understand why anyone would do that when a woman at the next table proceeded to tell me how wrong I was and how her and her two dogs just LOVE dancing together. She then whips out pictures of her and the canines in question dancing at a nursing home for the enjoyment of the residents. The residents I might add have looks on their faces of either utter boredom or sheer confusion about what the hell is going on. I was only able to extricate myself from the conversation by looking at a non-existent clock on the wall above her head and exclaiming how I needed to get back to work.

The long hours at the shop continue. The BF didn't get home last night till after 1am. This is better then 4:30; the time he came home Monday night (Tuesday morning). Tonight will be another long night and Thursday he probably won't come home at all. The car is suppose to roll into the Exhibition Center at 3pm Friday. From everything I have heard they will probably make the deadline but it's gonna be close. The undercarriage lights didn't ship

when they were suppose to so they won't be here in time to mount onto the car. At least they were able to get the rest of the wire and terminals that they needed. I've stopped going to the shop to see the progress. I want to see the finished project, see where all that hard work and long hours went. I think that taking unemployment and relaxing for a month or two is the best idea the BF right now. He needs a break, and if the car generates the business they are hoping it will, he'll need to be able to devote some more time down there. Preferably during normal business hours. After all I didn't move in with him to never see him and just act as his maid.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Not Exactly A Geyser

Finally finished re-reading book five the Harry Potter series. I figured that there was plenty that I had forgotten in the past two years so it would be a good idea to refresh my memory before I bough the new book. Like I had forgotten Grawp and Frienze (sp?) the new Divinanation teacher.

I took the boys out to flaming Geyser state park on Sunday. The booth collecting the $5 parking fee was all new to me, so was the parking fee. We were just going to each lunch there but since I had to pay for the privilege of entering the park and parking my car there I was going to make the most of it. After lunch we hiked out past the hordes of people BBQing and launching inner-tubes down the Green River to the park's namesake. It's not exactly a geyser like you would see in Yellowstone. It's a 6-10 inch flame that comes from a round block of concrete that caps a hole in the ground that's over 1400 feet deep. At one time the flame was very impressive, reaching heights of over 10 feet. It was still nice to look at. This little flame burning mysteriously on top of a block of concrete. A quarter mile hike into the woods brought us to Bubbling Geyser, again not much of a geyser. Methane gas percolates up through the ground and bubbles into a small pool of water turning the bottom of the pool and everything in it grey. On the way back I slid down part of a hill (I was wearing open toe sandals because I was not expecting to go hiking) and somehow managed to poke a stick through my middle toe. Say it with me OUCH! It went right through the skin on the side of my toe so it's really just a flesh wound but I am milking it for all the sympathy I can get.

It looks like the China thing may be a "No Go". We decided that they had to offer up a guaranty of full time employment upon his return. So far it doesn't sound like they are in a position to do that. I don't know how I feel about it. This past couple of weeks has been hard, not having him around. The idea of two months with him on the other side of the world is a bit scary. That said it's a wonderful opportunity for him to break into a new industry and get out of the world of AV. What better thing could there be for him then to get a chance to design and build off road vehicles? The BF is never more happy then when he is racing his cars or playing around on the quads. To work for a company that builds them would be a dream job. It would be like me getting a job doing field research with a Social Anthropology team. Pure Heaven.

My dad sent me this joke:

A Spanish teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine. "House'' for instance, is feminine: ''la casa.'' ''Pencil,'' however, is masculine: "el lapiz.''
A student asked, ''What gender is 'computer'?'' Instead of giving the answer, the teacher split the class into two groups, male and female, and asked them to decide for themselves whether ''computer'' should be a masculine or a feminine noun. Each group was asked to give four reasons for its recommendation.

The men's group decided that ''computer'' should definitely be of the feminine gender (''la computadora''), because:
1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic
2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else
3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible later retrieval
4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it.

The women's group, however, concluded that computers should be Masculine (''el computador''), because:

1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on
2. They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves
3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem
4. As soon as you commit to one, you realize that if you had waited a little longer, you could have gotten a better model

The women won.

I am not so sure I agree with the conclusion of this joke. BTW does anyone know what computer is in Spanish? I could look it up but I am too lazy.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Can you get the Friday blues?

Happy Friday everyone.'s raining. We've a nice run of sunny weather here in Seattle, almost two weeks worth of sunshine, so naturally it's time for the clouds and rain to make an appearance and remind us all that we do indeed live in the Pacific Northwest. It's a good thing too cause all us pale native Washingtonians were wilting with the heat and begining to shrivel up because the dry air. We need the cool moist breezes that come in off the ocean to sustain the moss between our toes.

The BF received a call yesterday from a company he's done contract work for in the past. They want to send him to China for two months to work with their manufacturing facility redesigning some of their product line. It's an amazing opportunity and I am very excited for him. I am just feeling a little sorry for myself though right now. I think I underestimated how lonely I would be moving down south. I am not very good at meeting people and making friends. The farther I sink into this depression the less inclined I am to get out of the house and do things. Because of the BF getting laid off and me not receiving any child support right now I am being very careful with my money. Many of the plans I had made, to fix up the yard and do some projects in the house, have been put on hold until I can catch up financially. What I have found is that it's a good neighborhood to go for walks in. The boys and I have started going for walks each night before bedtime.

Over all though I think I have a case of buyers remorse. The school district down there sucks. I am worried that the boys won't get a proper education. If I didn't work with the BF and drive to and from work with him I would hardly ever see him. The house is tiny and there is too much stuff in it. Because of the merger my commute to work has been lengthened to almost an hour and a half each way. I am tired of telling everyone how great things are and how happy I am when it's not and I am not. I knew all these things (except the change in commute) when I moved in so I have no one to blame but myself.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Bling Bling

Came home yesterday to find my anniversary gift to myself waiting in the mailbox. The BF and I had a good laugh over how huge this ring is. It's shiny and real looking on the outside but it's fake and worthless on the inside just like the frex.

The story of my awful day at the new company has made the office rounds. I received a reply from my new boss to the e-mail (see below) I'd sent him. Nothing of much substance to it. He doesn't anticipate any problems with collaborative support....quirky personalities....yadda yadda yadda. Then he says he'll call to talk things over but never does. I am taking this as a sign of things to come. In a nut shell the day started out fine. We met some very nice people and went on a tour of the place. They are stacked in there nuts to butts and everytime we asked how and where we would fit in there was a lot of nervous laughter and a breezy "Oh we'll find you a spot somewhere." Hmmm. I guess they are looking into leasing the empty space in a building next door but no one seemed to know when that was going to happen. We spent most of the day in a conference room with people from various departments coming in and giving us an over view of what they do and how their work process runs. We got to listen to part of the new Herbie Hancock CD - Joss Stone and Johnnie Lang singing a duet version of When Love Came to Town. That was the best part of the day. Well actually lunch was pretty good too. Two of their project managers took us out to lunch and between double martinis and beers we had a great time talking about the people in the industry that we all know and getting to know each other on a personal level.

The day went south for me when I ducked out of the last presentation of the day, going over contractors and installer agreements (not my area), and I went back to the engineering department to talk with my future co-workers.

Okay let me set the stage here...

They work in the back end of the building, one wall is actually a garage door. To get into their area you walk through a door that is plastered with a life size poster of what looks like some guy from Baywatch (yes a guy in the red swim trunks not some gal with her boobs spilling out of the red swim suit) and you walk into an area that is covered from floor to ceiling (which is very high because it is a warehouse after all) in posters of other guys. I didn't want to stare at them too much so I didn't take in any of the details but I was told that each of them had a face of one of the engineers superimposed onto them. Very weird. It was like walking into the grown up version of the He Man Women Haters Club. So I walk in and am standing in this space surrounded by images of testosterone pumping manly maleness and not a single one of them acknowledges my presence. Every attempt I made at getting a conversation started was greeted with grunts or monosyllabic answers. Are they angry at me personally? Do they treat all new people this way? Is it cause I am a female entering into their all boys club? Are they pissed off about this merger (take a number boys) and are taking it out on me? Don't know.

So I have let everyone I know, know that I am looking for a new job. I even broke down and told my dad that I would be willing to work at Boeing. I have worked too hard and have accomplished too much to be treated that way.

In other news - I am beginning a new dry spell counter. We are now at roughly 74 hours. I will be soooooo happy when this car show is over and done with. Alas there is always another show and another list of modification that need to be done just waiting in the wings.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The Aftermath

A letter I am drafting to my new boss following our meet and greet yesterday.

Hi ***,

It was great to finally meet you yesterday and to see the company. Overall I felt warmly welcomed by just about everyone we met; engineering being the exception to that.

I don’t know what precipitated the chilly greeting I received when I went back there on my own yesterday afternoon. I don’t know if it’s my gender that put them off or just me being an unwelcome outsider.

My work at *** has been in a production capacity. I am not an engineer/designer, nor will I pretend to be one. I am anticipating that upon coming to work at ***** my essential job duties in regards to my existing accounts will not change. There is a large learning curve ahead of me as I learn the work processes and integrate our existing accounts into them. Judging by the hostile reception that I received, I am not counting on getting any help from your engineering department making these changes.

This merger has put us all under a great deal of stress. There are many questions yet to be answered regarding how we will all work together. I have always enjoyed the collaborative spirit and group effort that we put into each and every project. My hope is, that given time this spirit of cooperation will make its self felt again.


Yup that's how my day went.
Enough said.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Yup, I am lost

What a fabulous way to start my week. I opened up my e-mail and, color me amazed, I have comments! Yip yip yippeee! On a side note, ever read through something that you've written and find spelling and grammar errors that you missed finding before you posted or turned in your work? Okay it's probably just me.

Unless you live under a rock it can't have escaped your notice that the 6th Harry Potter book was released on Saturday. Way back in January I was ordering books on-line and had put this book in my "basket" to have it delivered to my house bright and early on the day of it's release. All was well until it came check-out time and I was informed that all my books would ship at one time. In other words, the other 9 books I was buying wouldn't ship to me until the HP book shipped. Totally not acceptable! I had just started a new book series and NEEDED those other 9 books. Picture a crack whore with no crack in sight. So HP came out of the basket and a book on Celtic history went in. I made a mental note to pre-order HP, but like many of the mental notes I make it got lost in the chaos. End of story - the 16th arrives without the long awaited HP book landing on my doorstep. Damn.

Tuesday is fast approaching and with it my trip to the new offices in Redmond to meet my new co-workers. So this past Saturday I decided to drive out to the new place, kind of check the route I am going to have to take. Did I bring the address with me. No. Why would I do that? I know where it is - kind of. Well Redmond is pretty familiar to me I've driven through there and have spent a fair amount of time in that area so I wasn't really worried about it.

On the way back home I decided to take this back road which I thought would take me pretty close to home. After all it went south and that's where I needed to go.  How far south it went was the question. Well the answer is; pretty dang far people. I was feeling pretty good about this little detour until I realized that I the road I had counted on taking me the rest of the way home was closed for construction. Okay, there has to be another road to get me where I am going around here right? Apparently not. I am in the neighborhood from hell. It's all cul-de-sacs and dead ends everywhere I turn. When I pass the same blue house with the beautiful prairie style chimney (that really needs some repair work) for the third time I admit to myself that I am hopelessly lost.

I pull over and call every single person I know who has a computer and who could possibly give me some directions. No one, not a single one of them is home. If they do answer the phone they're on their cells driving somewhere or are out of the house having a life. How dare they? Don't they know that they have to be at home waiting beside their computers ready to help me get out of the trouble that I get myself into? I finally call the BF's mom, who is very willing to help but unfortunately couldn't find me any other way to get home other then via the closed road. I finally make my way back to a main road and defying conventional wisdom turn Right; the opposite direction from where I5 should have been. This turns out to be an okay move as it leads me to a road I sort of recognize which in turn brings me to road I am more familiar with and 30 mins later I am home. Oh well, it was better then pulling weeds.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Um...that was weird

Yesterday was my one year anniversary. Yup one year ago I packed up the kids and myself and with $5 in my pocket and 1/4 tank of gas I left the frex. Best decision I ever made. Funny now to look back and know that I'd only made that decision about two hours before. Sometimes enough is enough.

When I logged on today I saw that my previous post had been saved as a draft. The posting took longer then usual on Wednesday and I guess it never did complete successfully. At least it was saved as a draft instead of being lost forever.

I was flipping through channels last night (my god TV is boring) and noticed that we get 3 shop at home channels, 3 religious, 2 foreign language, 1 Canadian, 1 all news, 1 all local sports, and 10 regular program channels - 2 of which are PBS. So with only 21 channels to choose from you can understand why I was so damn bored. I have to talk to the BF about upgrading his cable. Yeah I should have been outside pulling weeds or having yet another Nerf dart war with the boys but I wanted to veg out for a few hours. Naturally I ended up watching two dumbasses try to disprove evolution for about 20 mins until I got so fed up with their selective sampling of science and the half truths they were spitting out that I ended up on Shop at Home. Yes sparkling things caught my eye and I was hooked. Lets just skip ahead and say that I am expecting a package to arrive at home in about 3 days. I am calling it an anniversary gift to myself. That's my story and I am sticking to it.

We were driving home yesterday and I saw this large silver thing in the sky. Nothing all that noteworthy since we live in the land of Boeing. But this thing was huge and seemed to just be hovering there. I thought maybe it was a blimp, I could only catch small glimpses of it through the trees. We finally round a bend in the road and OMG it's a 777 coming almost straight at us about 500 feet off the ground. "Holy sh**!" says I gripping onto the BF's arm. What an amazing sight. The plane was landing at Boeing field, naturally. This was the first time I'd seen an airplane of that size land there. We usually see helicopters and small airplanes take off and land all day but never one of the larger planes. It reminded me of flying into San Diego. If you've ever been there you'll know what I am talking about.

Well I am off to redo the last half dozen projects I've done recently. Equipment changes after the fact - drives me crazy but at least their easy and fast.

Happy Friday everyone - have a great weekend.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

...and the Micky Mouse high heels you came prancing in on

Happy Hump Day everyone!

So yes it's Wednesday and my day got off to a late start but hey the dry spell is over so it's all good. I have to go to my "new job" next Tuesday for a meet and greet/orientation thing. Yippee. I was kind of an add along when the new boss invited the acct mgr over.
In other work news I am on my third printing of the same job.  We're putting new speakers into these stores and I forgot to pull out the mounting instructions for the old speakers. Oooops my bad. So I take another run at it and then spend some time searching for a supplier of cheap RCA stereo patch cords because the account mgr informs me that while we have had the installers buy them in the past she would like us to supply them from now on. I find one and send it off to our purchasing mgr for approval and addition to our inventory system so that I can include one in the job and all other jobs for this acct in the future.

I send the drawings to print, second time, and am waiting for the patch cord to be put into the system before I print out a modified equipment list. Drawings are done but I am still waiting for the inventory update. Along comes the account mgr, "For the ***** project, I want you to put in the A series amp and pull out the BG, be sure to include the right MOH module and we'll be using these new amps for all projects going forward." She says as she makes her morning rounds. Fabulous. Re-do the drawings - no need for that stereo patch cord now - the A series doesn't have RCA connectionss on the back, only screw terminals. Print the drawing, for the third time and redo the equipment list. Now the whole package costs $120 more then it did before, it's harder for our installers to wire up because they have to cut the end off an RCA cable and wire it into the module that they have to install into the back of the amp. And by the way there is no system improvement by using this amplifier. True it won't go into protect mode and cut it's output down if it's under stress like the BG will thereby cutting down the volume on the system but what it does do is shut it's self off. So instead of a quiet music system you have NO music system. Good Choice! And did I mention that she doesn't dare pass along this price increase to the client so we are going to have to eat the extra $120. Yup she's a smart one.

For those of you keeping track - the frex sent an e-mail and left a voice message within an hour of my e-mail to him, letting me know that he has to work the next two weekends and isn't able to see the boys. Lovely.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

2 Days and counting

Just sent off and e-mail to the frex letting him know how to get the boys out of their new daycare this Friday. Who wants to lay odds on him calling me later today claiming to be broke and out of gas and unable to make the drive down to Covington to get them? Anyone? Anyone?
Hot Import Nights is just over two weeks away and the building frenzy is on down at the shop. The BF has started to once again spend his nights down there, coming home around midnight or later.  The show should be great though and I am sure it will be worth all the time and trouble we have to go through to get ready for it. It had better be. After all I am giving up going to my family's reunion and the BF is missing out on his 10 yr HS reunion; both of which fall on the same weekend as the show. Adam's girlfriend, who went to the last big show while I was in MA, wasn't sure she was going to go to this one. Too many car hos for her to handle. Now that she knows I'll be there she is thinking of coming along as well. I am hoping that AC, and E&S will make it as well. The more people the better. Besides AC loves him some car hos.
I built a bookcase last night. God bless IKEA. It's not the greatest bookcase ever but it'll serve it's purpose for now. Right now it's home to most of my hardback books and some of my brass and china collection as well. Three more empty boxes! That's what really excites me the most about the whole thing. I know - pretty pathetic.

The boys met Fred yesterday. Fred is the little kid who lives across the street. Fred's dad is......odd. Fred's mom is odd too because she lives with Fred's dad who as I said is....odd. Fred is allowed in our house but I don't think the same will hold true for the boys and Fred's house. By the way....I love the name Fred.....can you tell? It's just fun to say.

I am starving. Extra strong black tea just isn't cutting it this morning. I am debating the merits of going into the kitchen and eating more Chex Mix. It didn't do me wrong yesterday. I just wish I had a better alternative. But beggars can't be choosers and since the Chex Mix is free.....well you get the point. Yup the stomach wins this round. I am off to go stuff my face.
Happy Tuesday everyone.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Chex Mix in the Morning

Happy freaking Monday people.

Yup the weekend is over and it's time to get back to work in the real world. For the one person who I think still reads this, "yes dear that means you get to sit there at your desk in the hallowed halls of higher education and pretend that you are working for the next 8 hours."

Well I left my phone at my aunts place on Saturday. Didn't notice it was gone until this morning. Par for the course with me. E&S have created a little check sheet for every time I visit them to make sure I am taking home with me everything that I brought with. They know me and my forgetful ways very well. While on the subject of E&S I would like to put out a quick prayer for S's dad who is going in for a Quintuple bi-pass this morning. I guess the first one he had was so great that he wanted to do it all over again but even bigger this time.

So I spent a few pleasant (HA) hours in the yard yesterday digging out weeds from one of the BF's row of roses. Yes folks just of of the rows and I didn't even finish it. The yard is so weed, moss, and fern infected that I have serious doubts that there is any real actual grass still alive in his yard. I am working away, ignoring the occasional bouts of rain pulling out a sh** ton of dandelions and other assorted flora, when I see it. This monster of a stickerbush that is obviously the mother of all that I have just spent the last two hours ripping out of the ground. I kid you not this thing stood nearly 6 feet tall and a stalk the size of a five year old's forearm. It loomed over me as I knelt before it, mouth agape in awe at it's size and it's very existence. My trusty garden shovel which until now had been the smiting weeds with the ferocity of a barbarian, cowered under the malevolent gaze of this monstrous weed. Just then big fat raindrops began to fall and I took this timely interruption as a sign from above, picked up my things and scooted out of there with my tail between my legs. I will be back. With a full sized shovel, a pick-axe, a bottle of brake clean, goggles, up to my elbow gloves, my dirt bike helmet, and a nasty attitude. You're going down monster weed!!!! Muh ha ha ha

I have discovered, to my horror, that the nearest Barnes & Noble is over NINE miles away. Okay that may not sound like much but when you look at it in time spent getting there, 35 -40 minutes, it might as well be on the moon. And those time estimates are on a good day. I have been spoiled by having my favorite book store five minutes away all these years. There are three places to buy turnips and hamburger within two miles of the house but I have to travel nine miles to be able to buy a cup of tea, find a cozy chair, read a good book and do some people watching. Covington, where are your priorities? Get yourself a damn bookstore!

Since the meeting on Friday I have started cleaning out my office. It seems all too likely that I am soon doomed to become a cubicle dweller. I took my Ross Nicoll water colors home on Friday along with my pictures from Mexico that had been decorating the kitchen here. Today I have packed up my diplomas, certifications, airplanes, and will probably grab the my albums that have been hanging up in the reception area. I am in debate as to whether or not to take the albums and their frames or just the albums and leave the empty frames still hanging on the wall. I'll have to give this one some thought. Weigh in with your thoughts if you'd like.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Friday, July 08, 2005

Meeting Meltdown

For my first post merger meeting things went about as well as expected. When our old president, who is now our new executive vice president, said that the next few months are going to suck it was first time I think he's told us the truth in almost a year. My desire to stay here and see how thing shake out, ie see if a project/account mgr position opens up, is lessening daily. I almost wish it was me that was let go so that I would feel more of a push to find a new job. Why is it that we will settle for something that makes us unhappy just because the thought of change is so scary?

Why are we willing to sacrifice ourselves to conform to the expectations of others?
Is looking out for yourself really such a bad thing?
Companies have no shame about being disloyal to their employees; why then do we feel the need to be loyal to them?

And lastly; is the reverse position of 69 (man on top) called 96?

Sunburns, Sand and Freckles part 2

So I took yesterday off from work, and pretty much life in general. I didn't manage to make it out of bed until nearly noon. The house still doesn't feel like home and I am unmotivated to do anything about it. I am tired, snippy, and on the verge of tears every time I turn around. Obviously I am having a hormonal induced breakdown. I hope that tomorrow is sunny so that I can swim in the lake with the boys, relax with my family and hear tales from Mexico from my Uncle Tom who is up visiting this weekend.

While camping this past weekend I rediscovered my inner martyr. A trait I picked up from my mother and my grandmother. We have a tendency to take on more of a load then we should and then we feel slighted when no one around notices this "sacrifice" of our time and energy on their behalf.

The BF and I have a deal when we're at home, I'll cook and he'll clean up. It's a nice division of labor and I have come to really enjoy it. I though it would be the same while camping. So I was doing actual cooking of meals not just roasting burgers over the fire (which was nearly impossible because of how wet the wood was and how damn hard it was to get any real flames going) and I was doing all the clean up as well. When my family used to camp we cleaned up everyday so that when it was time to pack up and leave there weren't huge piles of trash everywhere and we didn't have to worry about animals coming into camp at night. This daily clean up isn't part of the camping routine that the boys had been accustomed to so naturally they didn't feel any need to help out and do any of it. If I had asked I know they would have helped out, their mom raised them to help out whenever they are asked. I am just very stubborn and refused to ask them to do something I thought they should just do on their own. Typical female thing.

By Sunday this martyr had had enough. I knew I was being stupid and that I needed to chill out. No one had asked or was expecting me to cook and clean for them. Those were chores I had assigned to myself and if I didn't want to do them I didn't have to. The BF, who had been receiving the cold shoulder all day, took me down to the beach and let me unload on him. I was hurt that he didn't feel the need to help me out like he does at home, and I felt rejected when earlier in the day he'd taken off with his friends on the quads while I was cooking breakfast without even saying anything to me. I went camping to be with him, not to be left alone. I am proud of myself that I managed to get all that out without resorting to tears. I often think that tears are a form of emotional blackmail and I don't like them. It was close though. I am not used to actually talking things out with a guy. It's a very nice very new experience.

Why do people drool when they sleep? I never used to drool when I was younger.  What's changed in the past couple of years that now when I sleep on my side or stomach I wake up with a puddle of drool under my face more times then not? I fell asleep on the beach Monday when everyone was hanging out down there talking and goofing off. I woke up and my arm, which I had been using as a pillow, was soaked. Gross. At least I've figured out how to sleep without snoring like a chainsaw.  Somtimes

My friend Melinda sent me this joke and I thought I would share it; a little pot-head humor for the day.
The lizard, while walking through the jungle, looks up and says to the monkey, "Hey! What are you doing?"
The monkey says, "Smoking a joint; come up and join me, my cold-blooded friend."
So the lizard climbs up and sits next to the monkey and they smoke.
After a while the lizard says his mouth is 'dry', and that he's going to get a drink from the river. At the riverbank, the lizard is so stoned that he leans too far over and falls in.
A crocodile sees this and swims over to the stoned lizard, helping him to the side. He then asks the lizard, "What's the matter with you?!"
The lizard explains to the crocodile that he was sitting in the tree, smoking a joint with his new monkey friend. He then explained how his mouth got dry, and that he was so wasted that, when he went to get a drink from the river, he fell in!
The inquisitive crocodile says he has to check this out. He walks into the jungle and finds the tree where the monkey is sitting, finishing a joint.
He looks up and says, "Hey, MONKEY!"
The monkey looks down and says, "SHIIIIIIIIT, DUDE.........How much water did you drink?

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Sunburns, Sand, and Freckles

I had every good intention of blogging last night but other things kept coming up. Besides my hand still hurt from using a pick-axe and trying to type on the lap-top was very hard.

So, I made it through my first camping trip in a dozen or so years relatively unscathed and in one piece. What is more amazing is that I am not burned to a crisp. As a member of the Pale Blue Irish Society I have a tendency to burn just by looking at the sun through the windows of my house. SPF 48 is a wonderful thing.

Shopping Thursday night was actually rather fun. The Frauline is a great gal altogether and the trip would not have been as much fun without her. I am keeping the Costco bill a secret for now cause I don't want the BF to know how much I spent and start worrying over money. The boys wanted a bug collector that one of their friends has. We searched High and Low for this particular item but alas no such thing was to be found. The eldest was reduced to tears as we were leaving. I think some of those pubescent hormones are kicking in cause he's getting moody and even more sensitive then usual. I thought that having boys would save me from dealing with teenage hormonal histrionics but alas....
Friday morning got off to a very slow start.
  • 5am - alarm goes off
  • 5:07 - alarm goes off again
  • 5:14 - alarm goes off (BF rolls over and hides under blanket)
  • 5:21 - alarm goes off and gets turned off. If he isn't going to get out of bed neither am I
  • 6:34 - I drag both of us out of bed and demand that we get this show on the road
  • 8:20-ish - We're on our way back down south after dropping off the boys. A call from the brother, did we pack something (I forget what it was)? This reminds me that I forgot to pack the hamburger patties (out main food item for the next 4 days). We go home before meeting them at the shop and grab the hamburger and a few other last minute items
  • 10-ish - and we're off....... (two hours behind schedule)
I don't know how other people amuse themselves on long car rides but I generally like to read. Somedays though I just can't get into a book or I get car sick. This was one of those times. So we played Guess the Driver. We'd pick out a car and based on what type it is and how it was being driven we'd have to guess the gender and age of the driver. I like to fill in other parts of the description as well.

Sample from our game: 2000 Tiburon with front passenger side fender damage
My guess - pissed off asian female in her early 20s who's driving her boyfriend's car to work because he took her car this morning because her's doesn't have the damage and will look cooler when he goes to the illegal street race tonight.
BF's guess - 30-ish male making minimum wage and trying to have a car that looks fast (but isn't). Damage came when he peeled out from the Jack-In-The Box this morning after they screwed up his breakfast order. Real answer - Young asian male. Yes it's a stupid game but it kills time and makes us laugh.

About the campsite, or as it is called by everyone who goes there every year, The Property, (capitals are a must) it's about half a mile from the beach and has two 5th wheel trailers on it. Only one of which is used. The distance to the beach isn't much of a problem since they generally bring the quads and use them to get around. This year we also brought the Kasea buggy with us. It's a two seater that it came in handy plus it's loads of fun to drive along the beach. The most important part of the whole thing is that the trailer has a working toilet. Yes there was no outdoor peeing for me. No bug bites on the butt. No dodging of pee as it splashes on the ground. No hunting for the perfect private spot to squat only to be "found" by unsuspecting passers-by. A little closet sized heaven.

I'll have to give you more details of the trip later. For now I actually have work to do and office gossip to catch up on.