Thursday, June 16, 2005

When birds attack

I saw the oddest thing today coming into work. I came out of the bus tunnel and decided that I really needed a coffee so was just walking into Tully's when this horrible screeching started up. Just coming over the roof of Uwajimaya was a seagull with a crow on it's back.
This drama was played out while the gull flew dangerously low - hard to compensate for the added crow weight on it's back - down 5th ave. Everyone and everything came to a complete stop and watched this display of avian aggression until finally the crow relented and flew off back over Uwajimaya. The gull landed on the corner of Jackson and fluffed up it's feathers and strutted around as though it was saying, "I am cool, that was nothing you should have seen what I did last week."

It was the best public display I'd seen since the man who took a dump along the side of 4th ave and proceeded to wipe his ass with a Dick's wrapper while car whizzed right by him. Our entire office stood outside our building across the street from him and applauded when he was done.

I brought some boxes of my things down to the BF's house last night. I quickly became very depressed as I realized that there was almost no place to put anything. We have been going room by room cleaning it out and painting.   Which means that everything is out in the open while we decide where it goes or if we are going to keep it  So nothing is put away and I am only adding to the general confusion by adding my things to this unholy mess.

The BF has way too many hobbies which have way too many components to them. For example, RC cars. He's not content to buy a single RC car or even a couple of them. He has to build his own. This means that there are a gazillion RC car parts spread from one end of the house to the other. They are mainly concentrated on the "dining room table", but I have found car shells in the living room and the electronics for the controllers in the bedrooms. These are of course mixed in with the one dozen computers and the one million computer parts that have a) been pulled out of said computers, b) are going into them, or c) are just hanging around because "I might find a use for it". In his defense he has started, under his own initiative, to go through all these things and do a bit off pruning.

After nearly breaking down in tears last night cause I felt like I was chasing my tail trying to get the house ready he hugged me and told me that I wasn't alone, that he knows it's a huge chore and was doing the best he could to help me out. Then he kicked it into high gear and within an hour had a large portion the garage cleared out and ready for more damn boxes to wait in while we cleared and cleaned the rest of house. I love this man cause he knows when I need words and when I need action. Last night I needed both and he delivered like always.

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