Monday, June 27, 2005

Do you have medical insurance?

PHEW! Moving day is over and I survived. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be but it was exhausting in all the ways I remember moving to be. My last move - from the Frex's to my apartment - wasn't bad at all. I had nothing to move. I had three twin beds, two side tables and a 13" TV. Over time those measly possessions managed to quadruple in quantity and it took the two of us 6 hrs and a 14' U-haul truck to move them. I am giving my couch and a night stand to the Frex if he ever makes it over to pick them up. My lease is up on the 30th and on that day the BF and I will move the items to the dumpsters if they aren't picked up. I am not in the furniture delivery business.

The BF's cousin showed up last night. He took some pots and pans, a dresser,a hairdryer, towels, a vacuum, some glasses and lots of boys clothing with him. Thanks to his timely visit we can now walk around in the garage. We still can't park a second car in there but we're a step closer.

Four hours after my mom picked up the boys she called me asking about my medical coverage. Great conversation starter.

mom: who do you have medical insurance with?
me: why? regence blue shield. what happened to the boys?
mom: can you read me the policy number
me: let me get the card. are you going to tell me what happened to the boys or do I get to let my imagination run wild?

Turns out the youngest boy got a fish hook stuck through his lip. The hook, previous to catching my son, was catching sand sharks and doing a good job of it from what I was told. The older boy in his rush down the beach to see the excitement got a bloody nose and my mom was having a hard time getting it to stop. The rest of weekend passed much more smoothly although the youngest continued on his quest to be sent to the ER by climbing on a barnacle covered boulder and scraping about an inch and a half of skin off his legs. A thorough washing of all wounds prevented infection, and a stern lecture about the dangers of imitating fish and climbing on things larger then himself prevented further injury. The boys were returned to me only slightly more battered and bruised then when they left, but very happy and with a bag of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

Weather forecast for the 4th calls for rain. Showers actually. Lovely. I'll be camping on a beach.

Seven days into summer and our score stands at: rain - 4.5 days sun - 2.5 days

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