Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I don't think that's blue

There are two magic abilities I've always wanted to have 1) to be able to speak and read any language at any time 2) to stop and start time.

That second one would have really come in handy this past weekend. The BF and I cleared out the second bedroom and started painting it. I'd picked out a very deep dark blue from the Ralph Lauren collection at Home Depot that I wanted to paint silhouettes of the Seattle skyline on the wall with. However I wasn't that happy with the last gallon of paint from Mr. Lauren so I took the paint chip to a local paint shop and had them try to match it. Admittedly I was also hoping to pay something less then the $30 a gallon that I paid earlier. The guy at the paint store was very nice and very helpful. He even managed to convince me to spend $35 on a better quality of paint that had a tinted base so I wouldn't have to put on multiple coats.

When he opened the lid of the paint he'd just mixed for me however.....it was purple. A nice purple but not certainly not blue. He did a few things with the computer, added a few more ingredients, and voila....deep dark rich blue. It was thick as hell and a bit hard to paint with at first but true to the mans word it covered perfectly and I never had to go over it a second time like you often do with dark colors. When the sun hits it and you look at it from an angle you can see the purple in it but I like it. Plus it was a pain in the posterior to get all the straight lines and angles for the buildings done, not to mention the Space needle so there is no way I am going to paint that room again.

The BF went through all the computers he'd had stashed away in a closet and I think he managed to toss about half of the stuff he had in there. Hidden away under an inch of dust and a couple of old blankets were a few pairs of shoes and a backpack of old clothes that his last girlfriend had left there a couple of years ago. That man obviously had never even looked in that closet except to toss more computer things in there.
For Father's Day I had a Lego replica of the Wright Bros plane sent to my dad along with a Father's Day card. We talked on Friday and he let me know that my grandmother had been taken into the hospital the night before and had surgery to remove a mass from her colon. No word yet on if it's cancer. I called the hospital Friday night but she wasn't accepting phone calls or visitors. My grandmother has been an alcoholic for nearly 30 years now and has managed to drive away the majority of her family. For all her faults I love her but I won't play into the "woe is me I am such a martyr, I gave everything to my family and never asked for anything in return" act that she like to throw.

I think I found a Target down south. Phew! I love Target. I was afraid I would be reduced to going to the Mall or Fred Meyers. There's a Wal*Mart that was just put in but I refuse to shop at the Evil Empire. The BF teases me about that and will sometimes suggest we go there when I say we need to get something like shampoo or cleaning supplies. My standard reply is."if you're buying I don't care where you go, but my money will not go to support that company." He loves it when his mom stops in to say she's going to Wal*Mart, do we need anything?

The BF's brother Adam's car took first place at a car show this weekend. Last Halloween Adam was in an accident with that car. The BF, Adam, and another friend took the opportunity to rebuild the car and turn it into a show car for the business they were starting. This is their first trophy! I am so happy and excited and proud of all of them. It was a ton of work and months of very long hard nights to get to where they are now. I dread the next project car they take on because that means more long nights where I won't see the BF.

That said, I really want to see the business succeed and I love how excited he gets when he's being creative and working on a project. This next time around whenever it happens we'll be living together so he'll be forced to see me sometimes unless he actually moves into the shop.

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