Wednesday, June 29, 2005

To blog or not to blog

Really didn't' feel like blogging yesterday. I surfed through dozens of other blogs trying to get inspired but nothing really worked for me. I saw some great stuff out there but of course forgot to bookmark any of them. There is a fantastic blog by a woman in North Carolina; she posts pictures from her garden and the wetlands around it. I'll have to search for that one and put a link to it from here. I am not much of a gardner but I would like to be. The pictures she takes are worth looking at even if you don't read a word she writes. There are also a fair number of sex blogs out there. A few good ones and one or two rather disturbing ones. I was reading a blog by a woman in New York; she writes about her various sexual encounters and the things she thinks about and feels during and after. I was struck by how similar she and I are in that way. Her sex life (real or not) is much more "active" then my own but the funny things she thinks about while having sex is the same.

Surfed through e-bay yesterday as well. Found some books I'd like to buy. Yeah I already own several copies of this series of books but I want them anyway. I would have a complete hard back set from the same printing run if I buy them. Something I don't have now. I own two of the series in this printing and one of the books is missing it's dust cover. I am bad about taking off dust covers when I read books so I don't tear them, and then forgetting to put them back on when I am done reading. Speaking of books; my 100 year old leather bound book of middle eastern love poems made it through the move. The book is already in sad condition and I was afraid moving would damage it all the more. I love that book and I cried for two days when the leather on the spine came off in my hands while I was reading it. I wonder if I can find a place to repair it. It's not worth anything that I know of so I don't think I'll be hurting the value of it any by having it repaired.

I met the frex last night at the apartment to help him move my old couch and the nightstand that goes with his bedroom set. I took it when I moved out. He smelled all sour and gross. The way alcoholics do. I felt repulsed and sorry for him at the same time. He's gonna turn into a bitter old drunk just like his mom was.

I am still waiting on the CDs for this dang Muzak box to show up. Muzak is rolling out these boxes to all their clients and we are getting service calls left and right to come in and fix the sound systems in the stores where they are going in. Without a CD to put into this thing I can't test it and find out why all these stores are having problems with their sound systems. We've sent in two different styles of amplifiers to a test location and both of them have failed within a few weeks of being installed. These are good indestructible amps. We have never in 10 years had them fail like this. Everyone is scratching their heads over this issue and so far all clues point to this Muzak box and they way it is being integrated into the existing systems. In the mean time all I can do is continue to design our systems the same way as always, incorporating the new box into it with the wiring hook up as described by Muzak. It's frustrating - very.

I am caught up on all my projects until the 12th of July. Hopefully I'll be able to leave early tomorrow to start my vacation. The BF and I are heading out to the coast for the 4th. We'll be back Tuesday the 5th, so no updates during that time. He's been working like a demon getting the quads ready to bring with us. It should be fun riding them on the beach and playing around. It'll only be my second time riding and I hope I don't make a fool out of myself. I'd like to pick up a book or two to bring with us so I can veg out and read but I don't know if I'll have the time to hit a bookstore before we go. OMG I just realized that I don't know where the nearest Barnes & Noble is in Covington. I don't think they even have one. A wave of panic just hit me. I'll have to search their web site and look up the nearest location. Argh! Things I should have thought about before moving. C'est la vie.

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