Friday, June 17, 2005

TPS Reports

Thank goodness it's Friday! Unlike last week I actually did real honest to god work this week so I am feeling pretty good. Every two weeks we have a Friday afternoon meeting where we give Individual Activity Reports IARs. Basically this serves to let the executive mgmt know what we've been doing for the past two weeks and what we plan on doing for the next two. Yes it's as much BS as it sounds. There are 13 people who work for this company. Thirteen. Total. Three of whom qualify as executive mgmt.  Are they so out of touch with what the other 10 of us are doing that we have to waste time like this filling them in. My reports all have the general theme of...."Did my job these past two weeks, and planto do pretty much the same thing for the next two weeks." At least I don't have to do them in triplicate and use the new cover sheets - blatant Office Space reference.

I did my duty as the good daughter that I am and called my mom last night. I usually try to call her once a week. Sometimes its more but I rarely go more then a two weeks without calling in. She bought a new dog last week. He's a Rat Terrier and his name is Rusty. He is half the size of Pete her other dog but he is firmly in charge of the house now. I haven't met him yet but I will next weekend. So now my mom lives in a 700 sq. ft. house with enough furniture for a 1200 sq. ft. home and has two dogs. I am waiting for the call from Kitsap county EMS letting me know that she's tripped over one of the dogs fell over a chair bounced off the buffet and landed by the victrola knocking the TV off of it and onto her. I don't know whether I'll be laughing or crying the whole drive over to visit her in the hospital.

My paternal great grandmother who turned 90 in Febuary just moved into an assisted living center this week. She lost her hearing last month and finally decided that it was for the best that she move. Until now she has lived on her own and done very well. I come from a long line of very stubborn people who live to very old age. I hope I can do the same.

We finished painting the bedroom last night. It's now a shade of green that is better suited to an english library then a bedroom. Don't ask. I still have the ceiling to do (it's NOT going to be green) and accessories like curtains to find that will break up all that green. Did I mention that the carpet is green also? A legacy from the previous owner. I was teasing the BF about bringing in a bunch of plants, putting an animal skin on the bed and making him wear a loin cloth to bed. We could play Tarzan and Jane. "Is it okay if this Tarzan drives a race car instead of swinging on a vine?" was his reply. He may think he's had the last laugh but wait until the leopard print bikini briefs I just bought on get delivered to the house.

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