Friday, June 24, 2005

Wheels on the bus.....

Most days I ride the bus into work. It's fast and convenient for me. That fact that my job buys me a monthly bus pass helps too. Generally speaking the bus is filled with my fellow commuters. Tired, bored, corporate types and the occational person coming into Seattle for jury duty. In the afternoon you'll see tourists oh the bus but they generally stay in the downtown area so their ride is limited to the tunnel stops. This morning however was one of those rare times when we, regular riders, were treated with a visit from "the crazies". I know it's not PC but some people are just crazy.

I woke up from my mid commute snooze to the sound of the driver putting down the wheelchair ramp. Quickly learning that I did not need to vacate my seat to accommodate the four wheeled passenger I leaned back and prepared to resume my slumber. This is when the "crazies" entered the bus. A humongous man like woman named Barbara, a mentally chanllenged teenager named Chantelle, and a churlish woman who was driving an electric wheelchair and was the mother of the Chantelle. The girl and her mom proceeded to physically fight, bicker, and threaten each other for the entire trip into the city. At various times the mom would yell loudly for the bus driver to make her daughter give back the scooter key, quit touching her, and to please call the police to take the daughter away. The mention of the police, and the threat of being sent to jail seamed to be the mothers chosen way of keeping her daughter in line. Barbara tried to remain aloof from these goings on but was invariably dragged into this tawdry tableau when one of them would seek her out as a mediator. Keeps the commute interesting that's for sure.

I spent a pleasant hour this morning pricing out Jaguars and going through all the different options packages that are availible. The fact that the one I want the most is three times my yearly salary is wee bit intimidating. However a girl can always dream can't she? If I buy a Jag, which I have wanted to do since I was 7, I'll probably be buying one of their entry level X-types. I dont' know why I am looking at cars. My car is only a year old. It is paid for....hmmmm wonder what I could get at trade-in? Stop it! You don't need a car payment. Especially with $47,000 in student loan debt about to come due. The price you pay for enriching your mind.

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