Thursday, June 30, 2005

May a camel come out your....

The HR gal from the company that we've merged with came in this morning to help us all fill out the "new hire" paperwork. I'd asked her to bring in the form for medical coverage for a Domestic Partner. Hmmmm turns out you have to have been living together for at least six months. Guess these past six days aren't going to cut it. The BF wasn't that surprised or upset by this little set back. I'm sure he'll find a job before the six months are up but at least we know that it is possible for him to be covered under my policy. I have another problem though. I don't have a social security card. I am pretty darn sure I grabbed it when I left the Frex but it's where abouts right this moment are a mystery. It might be easier to go to the dept of records and get a copy of my birth certificate then to try and get another copy of my S.S. card. Or I might go for a passport. Hmmm wonder what it takes to get one of those. I'll have to ask the BF. He had to get one for his last job. Besides I think it would be cool to have a passport. It would fit in perfectly with my plans to one day soon go to Ireland.

I left work early today hoping to avoid traffic. No dice. I don't think there is a good time of day to travel along the southern part of I405. This green Maxima was weaving in and out of traffic all along I90. Dumb biotch still ended up behind me as we merged onto 405. Driving crazy like that really doesn't get you anywhere. You hear that Miss "Drive it like you stole it" license place holder? I would hope that if you were gonna steal a car you would steal something better then a Maxima.

So I am suppose to go shopping with the BF's brother's girlfriend. Costco - lovely. Okay Costco is one of the coolest places to shop cause they have the best sh**, and is mass quanities, but it's also a pain in the ass to shop at. The lines are always horrendous and I am always tempted to spend about three times as much as I should. Or can.  I have to come with a grocery list. I don't even know how it is that we will be cooking and storing food. How the frell am I suppose to figure out what to buy without even this basic information. I have to go track down the BF and sit on him until he gives me some answers. Or we end up shagging. Hmmm that one sounds pretty good actually.

When bad things happen

I have been here since 6:25 and am on my second cup of extra strong black tea. In about an hour the HR manager of the company we have merged with will be here to walk us through signing up for our new benefits. Those of us that are still employed that is. Yup out of an office of 12 plus one summer intern 3 are leaving. Plus the intern but we don't' really count him. One of those not offered a position with the new company was the BF. Apparently they don't need a 7th engineer. However he's being kept on till the end of July and once they see the kind of work that he does, namely the video and satellite portion of his work, they may change their minds and ask him to stay. I for one hopes that he finds a new job in the intervening month and tells them to kiss his ass.

We will be sitting down this weekend or possibly next week, after the vacation, to draw up a budget and try to figure out how we'll survive in case he doesn't find a job soon. I know that we'll make it but is a scary prospect. I wish I made more money so that he could concentrate on getting his business running up to capacity and actually bring in some money from that instead of just making enough to pay some of the bills associated with it. Right now he's feeling kind of like a schmuck being unable to provide for the people he just invited to move in with him. While he's never stopped me from picking up the tab for a meal and the one time I bought him a tank of gas, he has the old fashioned notion that the man must be able to provide for and take care of his family financially. This is a notion I find quaint and really don't want to disabuse him of. After all I kind of like the idea of being taken care of. That being said, however, I know that I am not cut out to be a stay at home mom. I tried that once and it ended with me miserable and bitchy. I admire the women that can successfully pull it off and still have their self esteem intact, the house clean, and the kids not in need of psychological help.

One other person may be leaving our happy family here at work. An account manager received her offer from the new company and felt it to be an insult. The offer was returned to our president and he was told to "do better". Hmmmm I wonder how this will turn out. I for one would not be sad to see her go. She is a fabulous person and a pretty good account manger. However this job has worn her down and makes her physically ill. I think she would be doing herself a favor if she left it.

Things seen in Seattle yesterday and so far today:
  • An older lady dressed like fairy princess picking up things from the gutter
  • A young couple leaving (probably home baked) bran muffins in the door ways and other areas where the homeless in this part of town tend to reside. Wonder if they thought ahead to when all that bran starts to work in these people?
  • A deck of perfectly good pokemon cards scattered across 4th ave. Some kid is probably crying right now.
  • One window washer kissing another window washer about 14 stories up in the air.
Why are people passing around a 2 year old e-mail about how close Mars will be to Earth this summer? I just received it from my aunt, who is now the fourth person to send this aged missive to me. Come on people get with the program. Don't you think it's a little strange that Mars will be closer to Earth then ever before, except for a few years ago. Doesn't anyone remember that summer? Am I the only geek out there that camped out many a summer night to watch in awe as Mars rose over the horizon and was the brightest thing out there next to the moon?
I am adding a couple of links to some blogs I like to read. If anyone ever reads mine then I encourage you to check these guys out. They are far wittier then I will ever be and Tanya makes me laugh out loud when I read some of her posts. The one about Texan cheerleaders and falling on a weiner had me in tears. I had to leave my office and go to the bathroom to compose myself. I know it's childish but the phrase, "fall on a weiner" still makes me laugh even as I am typing it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

To blog or not to blog

Really didn't' feel like blogging yesterday. I surfed through dozens of other blogs trying to get inspired but nothing really worked for me. I saw some great stuff out there but of course forgot to bookmark any of them. There is a fantastic blog by a woman in North Carolina; she posts pictures from her garden and the wetlands around it. I'll have to search for that one and put a link to it from here. I am not much of a gardner but I would like to be. The pictures she takes are worth looking at even if you don't read a word she writes. There are also a fair number of sex blogs out there. A few good ones and one or two rather disturbing ones. I was reading a blog by a woman in New York; she writes about her various sexual encounters and the things she thinks about and feels during and after. I was struck by how similar she and I are in that way. Her sex life (real or not) is much more "active" then my own but the funny things she thinks about while having sex is the same.

Surfed through e-bay yesterday as well. Found some books I'd like to buy. Yeah I already own several copies of this series of books but I want them anyway. I would have a complete hard back set from the same printing run if I buy them. Something I don't have now. I own two of the series in this printing and one of the books is missing it's dust cover. I am bad about taking off dust covers when I read books so I don't tear them, and then forgetting to put them back on when I am done reading. Speaking of books; my 100 year old leather bound book of middle eastern love poems made it through the move. The book is already in sad condition and I was afraid moving would damage it all the more. I love that book and I cried for two days when the leather on the spine came off in my hands while I was reading it. I wonder if I can find a place to repair it. It's not worth anything that I know of so I don't think I'll be hurting the value of it any by having it repaired.

I met the frex last night at the apartment to help him move my old couch and the nightstand that goes with his bedroom set. I took it when I moved out. He smelled all sour and gross. The way alcoholics do. I felt repulsed and sorry for him at the same time. He's gonna turn into a bitter old drunk just like his mom was.

I am still waiting on the CDs for this dang Muzak box to show up. Muzak is rolling out these boxes to all their clients and we are getting service calls left and right to come in and fix the sound systems in the stores where they are going in. Without a CD to put into this thing I can't test it and find out why all these stores are having problems with their sound systems. We've sent in two different styles of amplifiers to a test location and both of them have failed within a few weeks of being installed. These are good indestructible amps. We have never in 10 years had them fail like this. Everyone is scratching their heads over this issue and so far all clues point to this Muzak box and they way it is being integrated into the existing systems. In the mean time all I can do is continue to design our systems the same way as always, incorporating the new box into it with the wiring hook up as described by Muzak. It's frustrating - very.

I am caught up on all my projects until the 12th of July. Hopefully I'll be able to leave early tomorrow to start my vacation. The BF and I are heading out to the coast for the 4th. We'll be back Tuesday the 5th, so no updates during that time. He's been working like a demon getting the quads ready to bring with us. It should be fun riding them on the beach and playing around. It'll only be my second time riding and I hope I don't make a fool out of myself. I'd like to pick up a book or two to bring with us so I can veg out and read but I don't know if I'll have the time to hit a bookstore before we go. OMG I just realized that I don't know where the nearest Barnes & Noble is in Covington. I don't think they even have one. A wave of panic just hit me. I'll have to search their web site and look up the nearest location. Argh! Things I should have thought about before moving. C'est la vie.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Do you have medical insurance?

PHEW! Moving day is over and I survived. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be but it was exhausting in all the ways I remember moving to be. My last move - from the Frex's to my apartment - wasn't bad at all. I had nothing to move. I had three twin beds, two side tables and a 13" TV. Over time those measly possessions managed to quadruple in quantity and it took the two of us 6 hrs and a 14' U-haul truck to move them. I am giving my couch and a night stand to the Frex if he ever makes it over to pick them up. My lease is up on the 30th and on that day the BF and I will move the items to the dumpsters if they aren't picked up. I am not in the furniture delivery business.

The BF's cousin showed up last night. He took some pots and pans, a dresser,a hairdryer, towels, a vacuum, some glasses and lots of boys clothing with him. Thanks to his timely visit we can now walk around in the garage. We still can't park a second car in there but we're a step closer.

Four hours after my mom picked up the boys she called me asking about my medical coverage. Great conversation starter.

mom: who do you have medical insurance with?
me: why? regence blue shield. what happened to the boys?
mom: can you read me the policy number
me: let me get the card. are you going to tell me what happened to the boys or do I get to let my imagination run wild?

Turns out the youngest boy got a fish hook stuck through his lip. The hook, previous to catching my son, was catching sand sharks and doing a good job of it from what I was told. The older boy in his rush down the beach to see the excitement got a bloody nose and my mom was having a hard time getting it to stop. The rest of weekend passed much more smoothly although the youngest continued on his quest to be sent to the ER by climbing on a barnacle covered boulder and scraping about an inch and a half of skin off his legs. A thorough washing of all wounds prevented infection, and a stern lecture about the dangers of imitating fish and climbing on things larger then himself prevented further injury. The boys were returned to me only slightly more battered and bruised then when they left, but very happy and with a bag of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

Weather forecast for the 4th calls for rain. Showers actually. Lovely. I'll be camping on a beach.

Seven days into summer and our score stands at: rain - 4.5 days sun - 2.5 days

Friday, June 24, 2005

Wheels on the bus.....

Most days I ride the bus into work. It's fast and convenient for me. That fact that my job buys me a monthly bus pass helps too. Generally speaking the bus is filled with my fellow commuters. Tired, bored, corporate types and the occational person coming into Seattle for jury duty. In the afternoon you'll see tourists oh the bus but they generally stay in the downtown area so their ride is limited to the tunnel stops. This morning however was one of those rare times when we, regular riders, were treated with a visit from "the crazies". I know it's not PC but some people are just crazy.

I woke up from my mid commute snooze to the sound of the driver putting down the wheelchair ramp. Quickly learning that I did not need to vacate my seat to accommodate the four wheeled passenger I leaned back and prepared to resume my slumber. This is when the "crazies" entered the bus. A humongous man like woman named Barbara, a mentally chanllenged teenager named Chantelle, and a churlish woman who was driving an electric wheelchair and was the mother of the Chantelle. The girl and her mom proceeded to physically fight, bicker, and threaten each other for the entire trip into the city. At various times the mom would yell loudly for the bus driver to make her daughter give back the scooter key, quit touching her, and to please call the police to take the daughter away. The mention of the police, and the threat of being sent to jail seamed to be the mothers chosen way of keeping her daughter in line. Barbara tried to remain aloof from these goings on but was invariably dragged into this tawdry tableau when one of them would seek her out as a mediator. Keeps the commute interesting that's for sure.

I spent a pleasant hour this morning pricing out Jaguars and going through all the different options packages that are availible. The fact that the one I want the most is three times my yearly salary is wee bit intimidating. However a girl can always dream can't she? If I buy a Jag, which I have wanted to do since I was 7, I'll probably be buying one of their entry level X-types. I dont' know why I am looking at cars. My car is only a year old. It is paid for....hmmmm wonder what I could get at trade-in? Stop it! You don't need a car payment. Especially with $47,000 in student loan debt about to come due. The price you pay for enriching your mind.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Cautious Optimism

A quick update - from msnbc - "Eight states forbid the use of eminent domain when the economic purpose is not to eliminate blight; they are Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Montana, South Carolina and Washington."

I am breathing easier now that I know Washington doesn't allow a city to take over your property unless it's a danger or an "eye sore" and part of an neighborhood that is run down and economically depressed. I have seen a few candidates for this blight status and so far I haven't seen the state or any government agency rushing into to take the property over.

I received some drawings today for a project at SeaTac. The files are HUGE. I put them through a purge program I have that will strip an overly large file of all it's unnecessary baggage and leave it sometimes less then half the size it was before. No dice this time. This is a tiny store/cafe not an 80 story sky scraper what the hell are these architects putting into their drawings?

BTW just in case anyone ever reads this - we're on our third day of summer here in beautiful Seattle and the score is: rain 2, sun1


That's the name of the little boy who was found in Tacoma yesterday. His grandmother ID'd him and led the police to her son, the boy's father. They still haven't located the mom so the mystery continues. I was so happy that someone turned up to claim him and that excuses were not made for the reprehensible behavior of the father (and possibly the mother).

Speaking of grandmothers - my mom is taking her grandchildren for the weekend so I can move without worrying where they are and if I am going to trip over one of them. No clue on how she is going to fit them into the house with the dogs. Should be interesting.

I received an e-mail from my alma mater last week looking for copies of research papers from recent graduates. They want to create a portfolio of student work. I have two different research papers I am thinking about giving them but I only have paper copies of each since the hard drive on my computer crashed several months ago. I've actually started re-writing one of them. My problem right now is that I can't find page 5. I am much to lazy to try and wing it and make up a page 5 and try to make it fit into the paper as a whole. Besides I am not sure the school is really wanting to publish copies of my paper on the history of sodomy laws in America and why people should be able to use sex toys in privacy of their home.

Not that the government would care about what you're doing in your home. Not when now they can force you out so some developer can build a shopping mall on what used to be your property. When I heard about the Supreme Court decision today I just about threw up. My stomach is still in knots when I think about it. I have to read more about this decision. There HAS TO BE some way for property owners to protect what's theirs from a city that just wants to fill it's coffers. As someone who is looking to buy acreage I am scared silly that a few years down the road the city or the county may decided that they would prefer something/someone else be using my property. How can they do this?!? So if you own 10 acres and the town is going bankrupt because of bad leadership they can sell YOUR property to a developer who promises to bring in more revenue for the town. What is even more unbelievable is that it was the LIBERAL justices who made this ruling.

On to other things that make me mad. The frex called on Tuesday and let me know that since the boys have more fun at the daycare he is going to leave them there instead of picking them up when he gets off of work. This is the same man who insisted that we leave them at the same daycare so they could go to the same school and he could see them everyday. I guess being a parent and having to be responsible everyday for a couple of hours got to be too much for him. He is suppose to take them next week for a week over the 4th of July. Hmmmm wonder how that will go? I have a feeling that he is going to find one excuse after another why he won't be able to pick up the boys every other weekend for visits. Right now his big excuse is that he's broke and can't afford the gas which is why I have to pick them up on Sundays. I don't mind that at all. What I won't do is drive them up there and drive them back home so all he has to do is sit on his ass. FREX!

Well now that I am in a properly pissy mood it's time to sign off and do some work. Ciao

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Left in Tacoma

On the same day that search and rescue teams found that little boy in Utah, somebody left a little boy on some church steps in Tacoma. The little boy is believed to be about two and looking at his picture in the paper he is as cute as can be. The police say he hasn't learned to talk yet which is very sad. I couldn't shut my two boys up by the time they were two. All things considered I am glad that he was left somewhere reasonably safe and not just dumped somewhere like a dog that is no longer wanted. I wish sometimes that it was harder to have a child; that you had to go through a series of tests before getting pregnant.

I brought three more boxes of books down to the house last night. I really need my own room to set up as a library. Just as the BF collects speakers and electronic gear, I collect books. The frex (f***ing retarded ex-husband) once demanded that I start throwing out books. He couldn't believe that I'd actually read all of them and if I had why I would want to keep them around. I said I would be happy to start tossing them out and I would make him a deal; I would get rid of a book for every movie/DVD that he threw away. My collection was safe from that moment on.

All the buildings are done being painted and are ready for their glow in the dark windows. The boys are very excited about the new room. The thrill of getting to paint and re-do the house is wearing thin. I hope I have enough enthusiasm and energy left to paint the living room, it really needs it. I was hoping to get the house done by the time I moved in but that is not going to happen. It will continue to be a work in progress for awhile. Probably a very long while.

Why do towns crowd in all their shops and businesses onto one street? It usually starts innocently enough with a few stores coviently located along (generally) a main thru street. As the town grows more shops and businesses move onto the road then instead of building a parallel street to handle the over flow the town builds perpendicular streets that lead right into parking lots for still more stores. All traffic is forced to drive on the ONE road in order to get to the stores or to just go through the town. Woodinville is a prime example of this and so is Covington. What irritates me is that Covington is a "bedroom" community. There are no industiral or business parks nearby. If you don't work in one of the stores or restaurants (service industry) near by you are obviously communting to work and home each day. All these communters have to crowd onto the ONE road in order to get to the main Hwy. This design may have worked 20 or even 10 years ago but it certainly doesn't now. I am so going to hate my commute everyday.

Things seen in Seattle yesterday:
  • A man with his hand in his pants scratching his balls while walking down the sidewalk.
  • A young woman walking with her elderly grandmother (I presume) and argueing over which way to go. The grandmother kicks the gril in the shin and walks the way she wants to go. The girl gave in and followed her
  • A guy with a suped up/pimped out sports car who spent the majority of my lunch hour trying to parallel park and then ended up rubbing his nice shinny wheels against the curb.
  • Lightning over the Sound

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I don't think that's blue

There are two magic abilities I've always wanted to have 1) to be able to speak and read any language at any time 2) to stop and start time.

That second one would have really come in handy this past weekend. The BF and I cleared out the second bedroom and started painting it. I'd picked out a very deep dark blue from the Ralph Lauren collection at Home Depot that I wanted to paint silhouettes of the Seattle skyline on the wall with. However I wasn't that happy with the last gallon of paint from Mr. Lauren so I took the paint chip to a local paint shop and had them try to match it. Admittedly I was also hoping to pay something less then the $30 a gallon that I paid earlier. The guy at the paint store was very nice and very helpful. He even managed to convince me to spend $35 on a better quality of paint that had a tinted base so I wouldn't have to put on multiple coats.

When he opened the lid of the paint he'd just mixed for me was purple. A nice purple but not certainly not blue. He did a few things with the computer, added a few more ingredients, and voila....deep dark rich blue. It was thick as hell and a bit hard to paint with at first but true to the mans word it covered perfectly and I never had to go over it a second time like you often do with dark colors. When the sun hits it and you look at it from an angle you can see the purple in it but I like it. Plus it was a pain in the posterior to get all the straight lines and angles for the buildings done, not to mention the Space needle so there is no way I am going to paint that room again.

The BF went through all the computers he'd had stashed away in a closet and I think he managed to toss about half of the stuff he had in there. Hidden away under an inch of dust and a couple of old blankets were a few pairs of shoes and a backpack of old clothes that his last girlfriend had left there a couple of years ago. That man obviously had never even looked in that closet except to toss more computer things in there.
For Father's Day I had a Lego replica of the Wright Bros plane sent to my dad along with a Father's Day card. We talked on Friday and he let me know that my grandmother had been taken into the hospital the night before and had surgery to remove a mass from her colon. No word yet on if it's cancer. I called the hospital Friday night but she wasn't accepting phone calls or visitors. My grandmother has been an alcoholic for nearly 30 years now and has managed to drive away the majority of her family. For all her faults I love her but I won't play into the "woe is me I am such a martyr, I gave everything to my family and never asked for anything in return" act that she like to throw.

I think I found a Target down south. Phew! I love Target. I was afraid I would be reduced to going to the Mall or Fred Meyers. There's a Wal*Mart that was just put in but I refuse to shop at the Evil Empire. The BF teases me about that and will sometimes suggest we go there when I say we need to get something like shampoo or cleaning supplies. My standard reply is."if you're buying I don't care where you go, but my money will not go to support that company." He loves it when his mom stops in to say she's going to Wal*Mart, do we need anything?

The BF's brother Adam's car took first place at a car show this weekend. Last Halloween Adam was in an accident with that car. The BF, Adam, and another friend took the opportunity to rebuild the car and turn it into a show car for the business they were starting. This is their first trophy! I am so happy and excited and proud of all of them. It was a ton of work and months of very long hard nights to get to where they are now. I dread the next project car they take on because that means more long nights where I won't see the BF.

That said, I really want to see the business succeed and I love how excited he gets when he's being creative and working on a project. This next time around whenever it happens we'll be living together so he'll be forced to see me sometimes unless he actually moves into the shop.

Friday, June 17, 2005

TPS Reports

Thank goodness it's Friday! Unlike last week I actually did real honest to god work this week so I am feeling pretty good. Every two weeks we have a Friday afternoon meeting where we give Individual Activity Reports IARs. Basically this serves to let the executive mgmt know what we've been doing for the past two weeks and what we plan on doing for the next two. Yes it's as much BS as it sounds. There are 13 people who work for this company. Thirteen. Total. Three of whom qualify as executive mgmt.  Are they so out of touch with what the other 10 of us are doing that we have to waste time like this filling them in. My reports all have the general theme of...."Did my job these past two weeks, and planto do pretty much the same thing for the next two weeks." At least I don't have to do them in triplicate and use the new cover sheets - blatant Office Space reference.

I did my duty as the good daughter that I am and called my mom last night. I usually try to call her once a week. Sometimes its more but I rarely go more then a two weeks without calling in. She bought a new dog last week. He's a Rat Terrier and his name is Rusty. He is half the size of Pete her other dog but he is firmly in charge of the house now. I haven't met him yet but I will next weekend. So now my mom lives in a 700 sq. ft. house with enough furniture for a 1200 sq. ft. home and has two dogs. I am waiting for the call from Kitsap county EMS letting me know that she's tripped over one of the dogs fell over a chair bounced off the buffet and landed by the victrola knocking the TV off of it and onto her. I don't know whether I'll be laughing or crying the whole drive over to visit her in the hospital.

My paternal great grandmother who turned 90 in Febuary just moved into an assisted living center this week. She lost her hearing last month and finally decided that it was for the best that she move. Until now she has lived on her own and done very well. I come from a long line of very stubborn people who live to very old age. I hope I can do the same.

We finished painting the bedroom last night. It's now a shade of green that is better suited to an english library then a bedroom. Don't ask. I still have the ceiling to do (it's NOT going to be green) and accessories like curtains to find that will break up all that green. Did I mention that the carpet is green also? A legacy from the previous owner. I was teasing the BF about bringing in a bunch of plants, putting an animal skin on the bed and making him wear a loin cloth to bed. We could play Tarzan and Jane. "Is it okay if this Tarzan drives a race car instead of swinging on a vine?" was his reply. He may think he's had the last laugh but wait until the leopard print bikini briefs I just bought on get delivered to the house.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

When birds attack

I saw the oddest thing today coming into work. I came out of the bus tunnel and decided that I really needed a coffee so was just walking into Tully's when this horrible screeching started up. Just coming over the roof of Uwajimaya was a seagull with a crow on it's back.
This drama was played out while the gull flew dangerously low - hard to compensate for the added crow weight on it's back - down 5th ave. Everyone and everything came to a complete stop and watched this display of avian aggression until finally the crow relented and flew off back over Uwajimaya. The gull landed on the corner of Jackson and fluffed up it's feathers and strutted around as though it was saying, "I am cool, that was nothing you should have seen what I did last week."

It was the best public display I'd seen since the man who took a dump along the side of 4th ave and proceeded to wipe his ass with a Dick's wrapper while car whizzed right by him. Our entire office stood outside our building across the street from him and applauded when he was done.

I brought some boxes of my things down to the BF's house last night. I quickly became very depressed as I realized that there was almost no place to put anything. We have been going room by room cleaning it out and painting.   Which means that everything is out in the open while we decide where it goes or if we are going to keep it  So nothing is put away and I am only adding to the general confusion by adding my things to this unholy mess.

The BF has way too many hobbies which have way too many components to them. For example, RC cars. He's not content to buy a single RC car or even a couple of them. He has to build his own. This means that there are a gazillion RC car parts spread from one end of the house to the other. They are mainly concentrated on the "dining room table", but I have found car shells in the living room and the electronics for the controllers in the bedrooms. These are of course mixed in with the one dozen computers and the one million computer parts that have a) been pulled out of said computers, b) are going into them, or c) are just hanging around because "I might find a use for it". In his defense he has started, under his own initiative, to go through all these things and do a bit off pruning.

After nearly breaking down in tears last night cause I felt like I was chasing my tail trying to get the house ready he hugged me and told me that I wasn't alone, that he knows it's a huge chore and was doing the best he could to help me out. Then he kicked it into high gear and within an hour had a large portion the garage cleared out and ready for more damn boxes to wait in while we cleared and cleaned the rest of house. I love this man cause he knows when I need words and when I need action. Last night I needed both and he delivered like always.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

It's not all bad....but there are alot of boxes involved

Last night was day three of the great apartment pack up. I'd brought home about dozen or more boxes from work thinking that that would handle the majority of my possesions. Wrong. My books took up the two thirds of those boxes and I still have my entire reference section, and the architectural history portion of my "library" to pack.

I gave up on the books for awhile and turned my attention to the kitchen where the second largest collection of - things - is concentrated. Wanting to finish up as quickly as possible I tried to to convince the contents of my kitchen to just pack themselves. Oddly enought there were no takers.

We had a tsunami warning along the coast last night. By the time I heard about it they had already called it off so I didn't bother calling my mom who lives a block from the water in Keyport. I figured the warning probably didn't extend into the Sound where she's at anyway.
Well I suppose I should get some work done while I am here. Untill I move I'll only have an internet connection at work. For the first time in weeks I actually have multiple projects to work on so I suppose I'd better start earning my keep.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Moving on down.....

There hasn't been anything in my in-box at work for a very long time now. Consequently I have been spending entirely too much time surfing the web and teaching myself how to play Sudoku. What this means is that when work does make it's way to my desk I am not so much grateful to actually have something to do, as I am mad at being interrupted from my web surfing. I really need to find a new job so that I can useful again and my employers can get their monies worth out of their employee.

At the end of this month I am taking the plunge and moving in with my boyfriend. We've been dating for about a year and the distance (almost 60 miles) is getting to be a pain in the.... I wish there had been a valid and compelling reason for him to move up north where I live but alas there wasn't. So down south I move into a small town/city that is on the border of nowhere. Okay Covington isn't so bad; it has potential. However the neighborhood into which I am moving is less then desirable. Ironicly it's the same neighborhood that my parents moved into when they were first married. And nothing has changed in the past 30 odd years. The houses are all cheaply made and have been cheaply maintained. They are very possibly the last houses within King Co. that aren't 100 miles from Seattle and don't cost more then 200k.

Not to be a snob but I feel like I am taking a huge step backward by moving into this area. However the BF is a part owner of a business nearby, I am not ready to buy a house with him yet in a better neighborhood and he isn't ready nor able to buy a bigeer house and tie up a larger portion of his income with a new mortgage.