Tuesday, October 04, 2011


Waiting sucks!  
We arrived at 10 this morning.  Jeff was brought back right away to the prep room, I had to wait.  They called me back there about 30 minutes later.  Jeff was in his paper booties, and gown just sitting in a chair waiting.  We sat together, he showed me where they shaved his legs and I peeked down his gown to see his newly shaved chest and belly.  We waited.

I finally broke out the laptop and started going through my backlog of work emails.  

We waited some more.  

Dr. Svensson's first surgery was running into overtime.  

We waited and listened to Jeff's stomach growl.  My stomach started to join his in sympathy, and we waited some more.

Finally at 12:30 they came and rolled him away.  I was able to ride up in the elevator with him to the 4th floor where the surgical rooms are.  Then I was shown the 2nd set of elevators and told it was time to go.  

And now I am waiting some more.  I was told when I came downstairs that the first 2 hours Jeff is in surgery it's all prep time.  They are going to do a TEE - TransEsophageal Echocardiogram prior to the surgery after he is sedated but I don't know what else they are doing for 2 hours. Now the big question is...is this 2 hours part of the 5 hours they told us the surgery would take?  Or is this in addition to the 5?  I am afraid to ask.

12:30 - Rolled into surgery
2:30 - done with prep work
5:30 or 7:30 - done with surgery

I'll just be here waiting.


royandlucy said...

Hang in there, Tess!! BTW, I'm at a complete loss how to send the Adirondack drawings down to the print room.... =)

Anonymous said...

Hope you don't feel alone right now, Tess. To voice what goes without being said, many of us are lovingly waiting with you in heart, mind, spirit, care and no doubt many more ways.

Not sure what to post at the moment but want to be sure you know we are collectively here/there in the many places we physically happen to be. How big is the waiting room anyhow? Oh, I'll just wait for the photos.

We all know how awesome and precious Jeff is. Can't wait to hear more from you both soon. Don't hesitate to call one of us if you want to talk while waiting.

God bless,
With love,

Jason & Family

Unknown said...

Oddly I have never felt more connected to our family and friends then I do now. Jeff and I both have such amazing people in our lives. We are truly blessed. Sitting in the prep room he was thinking of even more people he needed to tell about his "adventure". He has touched so many lives it's hard to keep track of everyone. Though Cleveland has been THE ONE place so far where we haven't run into someone Jeff knows.