Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Life in the ICU

Removing the breathing tube

Trying to get comfortable
Well I didn't have to use my story.  Either someone had told him or he heard the mechanical clicking noise the valve makes when it opens and closes.  I think he heard it.

When I came it he was awake and immediately motioned his hand he wanted a pen.   The hunky nurse who looks like a young George Michael gave me pen and paper.  Jeff wrote, without even looking at the paper "mechanical" and gave me a questioning look.
"Yes honey.  Dr. Svensson couldn't repair your valve.  He had to put in the mechanical one we talked about."
Jeff 's shoulders slumped a bit and he nodded.  I knew he was disappointed but there was nothing to be done.

Because of laying flat for so long Jeff's back was really hurting him.  He was having a hard time breathing.  Deep inhales hurt his shoulder blades.  Unfortunately in order to get off the breathing tube you have to show you can breathe on your own.  For over an hour he fought against the pain and his own gag reflex trying to take deep steady breaths.  He was finally rewarded and I snuck a quick pictures from behind all the equipment.

Once the tube was gone they hooked him up with one of those buttons you get to push to give yourself pain medication.  They also tried to help him find a more comfortable position to lay down in.  Everything they did hurt him.  I hid in the corner and tried to shut out the sound of Jeff crying in pain. 

Finally they found the right way him to lay and Jeff started breathing normal and actually started to look relaxed.  What he was actually doing was analyzing why his back hurt more than his chest.  Everyone that came in the room was questioned, "My back hurts, why does my back hurt?  When I inhale my shoulders hurt, why?"  The answers were all the same, "It's normal, you've been strapped flat down to a bed for almost 24 hours. You're back is going to hurt."  When he wouldn't do the breathing test for the respiratory nurse because he was too focused on figuring out why his back hurt it.  I snapped.

"Jeff, leave it.  It doesn't matter why your back hurts.  It hurts!  End of story.  Now shut up and start breathing."

The nurse to her credit, hid her smile, and stifled her giggles before Jeff looked up at her.  She also let him off the hook on the test and told him she'd come back in an hour when the pain meds were working.

After all that Jeff settled down and started to fall asleep.  I took that as my cue and left.  I walked half of the way home.  The sun is out and it's really very beautiful.  I am on my way back in a minute. 

Wish us both luck.

Window of the Baptist church next to The Cleveland Clinic

Door of the Baptist church

Tower rising over the tree tops

Close up of the tower window


Anonymous said...

as Mr. Miyagi always said: head up grasshopper. I cant even imagine trying to cope with all of this. but im with you, breathing is more important than an achy back. :)


LGT05 said...

You know jeff, he needs to find the source to every issue, know matter what the problem. :) tell Jeff, Ash and I say hi and are wishing him a fast recovery.


Anonymous said...


I think this blog may be what is helping you keep your strength and coutage.

God has truly blessed you and Jeff.

Hang in there, you are doing a great job and I think Jeff loves you all the more for your love, help and strength.

Love Mom