Thursday, October 06, 2011

Step Back

Wade Lagoon
Once Jeff was settled into his new digs I left to grab some lunch and do some more exploring.  My objective today was Case Western University and the Cleveland Museum of Art.

It became abundantly clear to me that I was spending too much time focused on Jeff and worrying over things that are out of my control.   I needed to step back and gain some perspective.  And what better way to do that then to walk a mile to the University in 80 degree weather and sweat my ass off.  I don't always thing things through.  But I made it.

Methodist Church
 What would a day be with a picture of another church?
Judson Manor - A retirement home

Sidewalk leading to the art museum

More sidewalk art
I didn't know if I would be allowed to take any photos inside the museum.  There were a dozen guards and docents I could have asked but chose not to.  After all how do you choose what to photograph and what not to when everything in there is a work of art. HeHe.

Well I held fast to my, No Photos, rule until I got to this room.
Medieval armor and weaponry.  Yeah baby!
So I tried to be all stealth like and take photos without anyone seeing.  I am sure the guards watching me on the ceiling cams were highly amused.  But good lord people, this geek girl squealed with joy upon seeing this place.  Halberds, claymores, and flintlocks oh my.  So flintlocks came along after the medieval period, whatever.  Don't worry William I have  more photos to share with you when I get home.  But here's one more to tide you over.

After I left the museum I really wanted to go play some World of Warcraft but settled for walking to the Botanical Gardens. I traded in Rogues for Roses.  Sacrifices must be made sometimes.

For $8.50 I was allowed to wander around a tropical rain forest, a desert landscape, and many outside gardens as well.  I would imagine this place is even more beautiful in the spring and summer.  I am very much looking forward to sharing all my photos with Janet, my gardening guru and with my mom, who still can't believe I have started to enjoy working in my yard.

Here are a couple of my favorite pictures from today.

I didn't realize there was a bird in this shot until I got home

I have a feeling this is going to be in my yard one day

Sitting down here beneath the trees, I almost felt like I was back home
I feel alive and refreshed again.  Jeff's progress has energized me and I am not as freaked out as I was.  Sorry if last night's post upset anyone.  Sometimes private fears don't need to be made public.  But this is my life and it isn't always pretty.  And sometimes when you share those scary thoughts, they aren't so scary anymore.

My love to all of you.  Blessing on us all.


SaraBeth said...

80 degree weather?!?!?!?! its been raining and maybe 56 since you guys left. enjoy it!! and i had to really look for the bird in that picture you took, it took me a minute but i found it.

i chatted w/ Jeff briefly last night on messenger, he asked about work and i told him everything was great and that even if it were horrific id lie to him anyway :)

and i think its totally okay to be scared. its a scary thing you guys are going through.

Anonymous said...


It is good to see Jeff up and moving.

A mother's advise - lots of water and walk the halls as much as you can.

The faster you can flush all the drugs the quicker the recovery.

Keep writing we are enjoying it.

Love Mom

PS: Some of those multiple shots remiond me of your grandpa and mother

Unknown said...

Thanks mom. We've been up and the whole floor twice so far today. We'll probably do another couple of laps before I leave tonight. Jeff took a washcloth bath and I washed his hair this afternoon. He's feeling more human. Gonna have a scar to rival yours.

e&ariggs said...

Hi Tess! This is Amanda (wife of Everett Riggs) Everett is one of Jeffs highschool and on friends. We ran into Jeffs mom today and let us know what was going on. Please let him know he is in our prayers and we are praying for a speedy recovery. Could you please let us know the address of the hospital he is staying at?

Thank you, Amanda

Unknown said...

We are at the Cleveland Clinic but should be out tomorrow or Monday at the latest.
Jeff said he talked with Everett last night. I am sorry they reconnected at this time instead of under better circumstances. But thankfully they will have plenty of time to discuss the good old days.