Tuesday, October 04, 2011

The Wait is Over

Jeff this morning pre-surgery
The wait is over, Jeff made it through surgery like a champ!  They are closing him up now so I took this opportunity to run back to the apartment with his things.  I am scarfing down some oatmeal and downloading the pictures I took today.

Everything went good.  Even if it didn't go as we planned.  Instead of a repair, Dr. Svensson had to put in a mechanical replacement valve.  It's not a pig valve or a cow valve it's man made.  This valve should last between 15 and 20 years.  Jeff will have to take blood thinners for the rest of his life.  Something we were really hoping to avoid.  Jeff has a habit of working with sharp objects and you know what can happen with those.

I know he's going to be disappointed when he finds out.  So I plan to phrase it like this:

Honey you have never done anything half assed in your life.  So why would you think that you would only half destroy your heart valve (with an infection we didn't even know he had).  You did such a good demo job, there were three holes and a ruptured chord on your valve.  No one could have repaired it.  Good Job!

That will work right?  Well I am off to the ICU.  Talk you all tomorrow.


Anonymous said...


Gald to hear the surgery went well.

Tell Jeff the blood thinners aren't that bad. Remember your mother takesthem. The biggest pain is finding the right dosage and keeping the "rotine" results between 2 and 3.

Hang in there you'll be home soon.

Love Mom

LGT05 said...


I dont think anyone could have worded that better! I'm glad everything thing else went smooth!

Cass said...

So glad to hear things went well. Jeff is so mechanical anyway, his new valve will fit right in.

Peg said...

Relieved to hear it went well.