Saturday, October 01, 2011


Thinking happy thoughts
Yesterday Jeff was scheduled to go into the catheterization lab at noon for a scan of his arteries.  This is when they insert a tube from your thigh up to your heart, inject contrast and take pictures.  This link will take you to a site that had video clips of the procedure.  Click the Next button at the bottom of the pages to navigate through the site and get the videos.

So Jeff was scheduled to go in at noon....he wasn't brought back until almost 2:30.  Did I mention that you aren't allowed to eat or drink anything prior to this procedure?  Obviously by the time they came to get him, Jeff was ready to gnaw his arm off.  Thankfully they fed him, twice, while in the ICU.  Pictures from the test came back good.  Jeff has just 10% blockage of his arteries.  Considering his diet (chicken nuggets) that's pretty good.

Having passed this last test we are go for surgery on the 4th.

Today, our first day off from hospital visits, we decided to venture out into the rain and go to....the mall. Come on people don't give me any grief.  The mall is warm and dry - and remember my umbrella is broken. 

We headed off to Beachwood Place, but only after Jeff spent nearly an hour figuring out how to get us there.  The mall was nice, it felt smaller inside then our malls. The main corridors are narrower and have more stuff in them.  We had lunch at Maggiano's, which gave us so much food we'll have dinner from them too.

The trip home took longer then expected.  The bus was 40 minutes late and I had to pee like crazy.  Just for the hell of it we decided to get off early and take the train to Euclid Ave and catch the Health Line the rest of the way.
The cost of the train trip was covered by the all day pass we bought on the bus in the morning.  For $5 a person we got 3 bus rides and a train trip.  The pass is good until 3:00am tomorrow so if we want to go out drinking tonight.....yeah not gonna happen.

The train dropped us off at Lake View Cemetery, just northeast of Case Western University.

I will have to come back here before we leave.  The place is HUGE.  They have a wonderful chapel where people get married.  Kind of ghoulish, getting married in a cemetery but whatever.  I also want to find the James A Garfield monument which is somewhere in Lake View.

On either side of the train station were really unique condos.  I would love to see inside of each of them.
North Side of the tracks

South Side of the tracks
Tonight as the sun was setting I realized I forgot to show you the view from our apartment.   All the windows except those in the bedrooms face the same way.  Sadly the bathroom window has the best view.  The kitchen is a close second but there is a tree branch which partially obstructs the view.
From the bathroom window
That's it for today.  The heat has finally started working (I've only seen radiators in antique shops) so I am going to go veg out in front of the TV for awhile.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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