Thursday, October 20, 2011

The More Things Change

You know the rest.  We've been home for a week now and the Seattle weather has finally caught up with us.  My gosh it's been beautiful outside, until today that is.

Jeff is going a little stir crazy.  It's hard being told you can't do something that you love, namely driving a car, even if it just for a short time.  We're settling into the new routine.  Weekly blood tests and more frequent doctors appointments.  It's like getting a preview of life as an octogenarian. 

Before we left, I had some plants I was suppose to, well, plant.  In the rush and general craziness I didn't get them into the ground and now it's a bit late.  The Mock Orange tree would probably survive if I planted it now but the Passion Fruit vine wouldn't.  So this week I gave Jeff the task of designing and building cheap insulated boxes I can put these two plants in so I can keep them on the back deck over the winter.  I'd keep them in the house except our new kitten, Shamrock, has decided it's great fun to try and climb them and eat the leaves.

When I came home on Tuesday there was an odd contraption leaning against the wall in the kitchen.  In any other house this might elicite the standard question, "What's this and where did it come from?".  In our house, I take the Wait & See approach to these kind of odd additions.  Sometimes it's better not to know.

Yesterday, after we came home from the doctor's I got to find out what the new addition was.  An insulation board cutter.  You see, Jeff needed a way to cut insulated panels to build the boxes I had requested. And because he can't use any of his power tools for the next few weeks he had to make a tool he could use.  He built a frame that can span the width of the panels, added a wire to the bottom of it and electrified it.  He hooked the whole thing up to a switch box he made and Voila - electrified foam insulation knife.

I have pictures and will add them later.  I am on my lunch break and don't have time to figure out why they want to load upside down and sidways.

Basically it's nice to know Jeff is keeping busy.  I am ignoring the fact that he's keeping busy by playing with electricity.


Anonymous said...

Of course it isn't at all surprising, but at the same time I never would have guessed the details. ROFLMBO. :)

Keep on, keep'n on!


SaraBeth said...

apparently you cant keep a good man least he's not driving! :)

Unknown said...

Jeff always amazes me. I love the way his mind works and how he'll chew on a problem until he finds the perfect solution.

I am surprised and glad to know that some people are still reading this. Don't know how much longer I'll keep writing it. However life with Jeff is bound to supply plenty of material.

Peg said...

You write, we read. It's a great way for us to know what's going on with Jeff. Plus you're a great writer so it's fun reading your prose.