Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Let the Billing Begin

Our first bill but certainly not our last
It was a hassle.  It was a nail biting, stress filled 11th hour experience.  And there were many sleepless worry filled nights.  But getting Jeff on to my medical insurance was worth every hoop we jumped through.

Every day people stop me to ask how Jeff's doing.  And I must confess I love getting to say, "He's Great!". Because he is.  Yeah his back is hurting him and he's still sore but he's up and puttering around the house doing what he can to ward of the boredom.  Dishes.  Laundry.  Vacuuming.  Cats.  I could so get used to having a househusband!

This weekend our wonderful neighbor Chris came over to build the frames for our shed doors.  Jeff got some much needed guy time.  He couldn't do any heavy lifting or hammering but he did get to use small power tools.  More importantly he got to feel like he accomplished something.

Later in the day our friend Ernie, and then later still, Adam came over and the "boys" played video games until 3am.  I would complain except I am just as guilty of gaming into the wee hours of the night.

This weekend was also Homecoming for my oldest son.  And because there is no danger of him ever reading this blog I am going post the following picture of him and his beautiful girlfriend.
He can thank his grandpa for the hair


Anonymous said...

Medical Bills, Video Games, & High School Flames. What a combo! Keep the blog posts coming. :)

Bills: Amazing coverage. If that amount was submitted to my Insurance, I'd have to pay 20%, plus a high deductable. That medical plan must be such a stress reducer for you.

Games: So I've been clean and sober from WoW for about 3 years. Truth be told I miss much about it and the desire to return to MPOGs is ever present. This summer I got a PS3 so have had a few rare nights into the wee hours of the morning. Gotta love it! Now the big question is what exactly were they gaming? Grand Turismo V?

Dance: Great photo. Thanks for sharing. I hope they had a wonderful time. :)

Jason C.

Unknown said...

Thanks Jason and yes they were playing Grand Turismo 5.

As a former WoW addict myself I sympathize and have sadly turned to Sims 3 to sooth the withdrawal pangs.