Monday, October 10, 2011

The Seattle Cure

After spending almost 24 hours here, I can't honestly fathom how Jeff has survived 6 days.  The boredom alone is a killer.  My back will never be the same after sleeping on this futon.  The original plan was for him to be released yesterday.  Since when have things gone as planned?  I am hearing that will be today.  He's downstairs somewhere getting an echocardiogram right now.  Then we'll meet with a doctor and know for sure.
Sunrise this morning as seen from Jeff's room

Yesterday his neck was killing him, he couldn't get comfortable and he started getting a killer headache that was messing with his vision.  He was trying to power through the day without Percocet.  I think he was afraid of running out come bedtime like he did the night before. Around 11 he finally did take one, and his chest stopped hurting him.  However his neck was still causing him problems and there was still that odd headache.

Throughout the day various nurses would come in and try to start a new IV line since his current one had "expired".  They aren't using this IV, it's there should the time come when they need it.  Just to add to the general misery, his veins have all decided they are tired of getting poked and prodded and have gone on strike.  They either can't be found, collapse upon encountering a needle or refuse to give blood.  It was damnedest thing to see.  The nurses all eventually gave up and extended the expiration date on his current IV.

After one of our walks as Jeff sat with a cool cloth over his head and moaned I asked him if he would like to get rid of his headache.  He arched an eyebrow at me and said, "I don't think this door has a lock."

"You don't need that for your headache.  What you need is the Seattle Cure.  Caffeine.  You my dear are suffering from caffeine withdrawal."

I brought him a cup of strong black tea.  10 minutes later, headache gone he was practically racing me down the hallways.  Joking with the orderlies and back to being himself.  He was so much improved we got stopped in the hallways by people who'd seen him over the last couple of days.  His color was better.  He smiled easier.  His speech was clearer.  His natural personality was coming out.  The doctors started talking about finally letting him go home.

The Seattle Cure. It's a beautiful thing.


LGT05 said...

That's great to hear! If black tea gave him that kind of boost just imagine what a good old Coke would do J/K! I hope both you and Jeff are doing well.

SaraBeth said...

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Excellent post! Caffeine is is the nectar of the Gods I am certain.

Unknown said...

We are so much better now that the CNP has said Jeff will be discharged today.
She also gave us a letter to bring to the airport so we can hopefully board the plane early and maybe get upgraded. This will also get us a wheelchair if Jeff needs it.