Monday, April 01, 2013

Road Trip

We're on our way to Portlandia for the day. Jonathan and Riane are joining us, riding along in my car.  Jeff is taking the Subie, which, if all goes well, will be left with it's new owner before the end of the day.

There are currently 5 people in our house, all trying to get ready for the day in our one bathroom.  Which is why I have slunk off to the computer to kill some time while waiting for my turn.  Sigh.
That was as far as I got before my turn in the bathroom came up.  So how was the road trip?  Great.  Traffic was good so we made great time.  Jon and Riane rode with me so I had plenty of company on the way down.  Spending 6 hours in a car with your family; you learn a few things, 
  • Japanese pop music lives in it's own catagory of wretchedness.
  • Making up songs about the towns we pass is fun for everyone.
  • Me singing the songs out loud is only fun for me.
  • Kids don't want to play, I-Spy, License Plate Bingo, or ABC Signs, past the age of 8.
  • When all else fails, silence is the best thing on earth.
The kid who bought Jeff's car drove up from Coos Bay, OR with his mom and girlfriend.  All of them were even less familiar with Portland then we were.  A few phone calls, some quick directions, a bunch of heavy sighing on my part, and we finally met up.
Poor Jeff.  He was/is so sad having to sell his "baby".  I know it was gut wrenching for him to see it drive away.  I am glad it's new home is almost 7 hours away.  I don't think I could stand to see the forlorn look on Jeff's face if he had to see it drive by every once and awhile. 
When we came home however, his new "baby" was in the driveway waiting for him.
Making a cheesy face, driving the new car.
Ahh, a man and his toys car(s). Can there be anything sweeter?


Pam said...

Now the fun begins... how many days or hours can he drive the new car before he has to leave it behind for an airplane ride to Ireland... Jeff's life has just changed.. you are in for the ride of a life time!!!!

Unknown said...

We leave this Saturday. I am so excited!! Jeff has rewired our breaker box so he can charge the car on 220 every night. Before he did that we were tripping breakers and causing half the house to go dark.