Sunday, April 07, 2013


We made it!
In the very long hallway from the plane to the airport.
 The flight was long, just over 7 hours but it seemed to go by pretty quick.  Jeff and I watched The Hobbit.  William slept for the first 4 hours.
Will is not happy that his no pictures while at the airport rule 

is being violated.

Jeff has his crash helmet on.

Recaro, not just for racecars.

Northern Canada.  Burrrrr.
When the captain announced that we were flying over County Mayo and would be in Dublin in 30 minutes I was hoping to see some city lights as we flew over.  Not so much.  Wasn't until we actually got over Dublin that I saw lights.
My first view of the city.
Customs or whatever it is was super easy. The passport guy probably hasn't smiled since the 80's but I still Thank You and wished his scowl a wonderful day.  I was in Ireland, my long dream coming true and his sour face was not going to spoil it.

We took a bus into the city center and watched the sun rise over the city.
Photo from the bus.  The only one not blurry beyond use.

St. Mary's, just around the corner from our apartment

Waiting outside a nearby hotel to get our apartment keys
It was pretty chilly this morning, mid 30s. We were early for our meeting with William the man who manages the apartment we're renting for the week. Our William was none to happy to be standing out in the weather but he survived.  Jeff took a quick walk around the block and took the picture of St. Mary's above.

When we finally made it into the apartment, William went straight to bed, Jeff and I took showers and then followed Will's example and went to bed as well.  It's now almost 5 at night and we're about to head out to find a store to buy supplies and get some dinner.

Have a great Sunday everyone.

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