Thursday, April 04, 2013

Have Snark, Will Share

This will surprise no one, but I have always been a bit of a smart ass.  Because as I always tell Jeff, some part of me has to be smart, might as well be my ass.

Most of time this isn't a problem and I keep my snark contained within my circle of friends and family.  All of whom have built up a tolerance over the years.  Once in a while however it escapes.  Last week was a prime example.

Jeff has been cleaning out the garage and attic looking for things to toss and or sell.  He has a new car to pay for after all.  The "good" stuff gets put up on Craigslist so for the past several days Jeff's phone will buzz with a text message from someone who wants to buy Random Car Part A, or Oddball Audio Gear B.  I tend to lump everything together into the Dusty Box of Crap I Didn't Even Know We Had category.  This is why Jeff is in charge of selling things.

Back to the story now.  One night last week Jeff received a text which said "I am looking at your brakes on line."  Normally I ignore Jeff's phone, unless we're waiting to hear back from his brother and sister in law turning us down for dinner again.  (Just teasing, love you guys) This text message just begged to be answered. My barely contained snark reservoir overflowed it's banks.

"Okay," I texted back, "The first 10 minutes are free but it's a $1.99 for every minute after that."

Jeff hasn't gone so far as to change the password on his phone but he does bring it into the bathroom with him now.

In other news - we leave for Ireland on Saturday.  I am super excited and a bit nervous. I haven't started to pack and I still need to clean the house.  But I did go shopping and I got my nails done.  So at least I have the important things out of the way.

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