Monday, April 08, 2013


The boys are sleeping and I am cooking breakfast.  We bought rashers, eggs and bread at the store yesterday so you can guess what's for breakfast. Today we're going to walk down to Trinity College.  I want to visit the long library and see the Book of Kells.  Jeff is looking up day tours for tomorrow or later in the week.

Last night at dinner we did our best to embarrass Will.  Not intentionally and it wasn't until we were back home that he let me know how nervous he is traveling some place new.  I guess Jeff taking pictures of our dinner added to his anxiety. Oh well, he survived and dinner was awesome.
Jeff's beef burger.

Jeff loved the individual condiment packages.

Fish and chips.
I am getting a quick education on electricity while staying here.  We bought plug converters before we left which I thought would work for everything.  They do except they don't transform 240 volts down to 110 or 115.  So yeah my hair iron worked...until it fried from the high voltage. Oh well, half straight, half curly hair is the reason pony tails were invented right?

The boys have gone back to bed. I guess jet lag is hitting them harder then me.  I won't gloat, I'll probably crash later today.  But now I have to get them up again and get this show on the road.  We have places to see, pictures to take, and a son to embarrass.

Happy Monday everyone.


Unknown said...

Tess... have a great time and if you find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow please share the bounty :)

Pam said...

As always the blog gets better every day. Have a great time in Ireland and send some pictures of the long library... Hope you find good food to can be a bit of a challenge...

Pam said...

Are you sure that is fish and chips? Looks like they gave you a whole fish on that plate. The burger does look good... I am with Jeff on that one.

Unknown said...

It was amazing fish and chips but yes it was definitely a whole fish they served us. We had take away fish and chips yesterday and OMG it was good. The fish was smoked before they fried it. All the food here has been greak