Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I am in full panic mode right now.  I logged onto the website for my insurance agency to print out a temporary card for Jeff since we haven't received one and found that he was not listed under Covered People. 

The paperwork to add him was turned in Monday of last week.  So I called UHC.  Nope they didn't have the paperwork.  The nice lady on the other end of the line said Jeff would be covered back to the date of our marriage but that we would have to pay for any doctor visits now and could submit claims for reimbursement.  Okay, no problem I'll just write a check for everything and wait to get paid back.  Yeah maybe if my last name was Gates or Buffet.

Panicked email to our benefits department uncovered the fact that they submit paperwork to UHC every other week.  The next packet goes out this Thursday.  Now go down and look at the list of appointments he has this Thursday.  My panic kicked into a higher gear.

End result; Jeff is being manually entered into the system now and I am impatiently waiting on confirmation.  I don't know what to tell him when I get home.  He's going to want to have the temporary card.  All I can give him is the email confirmation that he's been added.  I know this will work out and when the hospital calls on Thursday to confirm coverage he'll be in there. 

I hope. 

OMG I am panicking again.

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