Monday, September 26, 2011

Blessings Great and Small

We've all been told that red wine in moderation is good for your heart.  The antioxidants and resveratol help lower bad cholesterol and improve artery health.  What doesn't get mentioned in those health reports and news stories is that wine is often drank when you are part of a gathering of friends and family.  You open a bottle, pour a glass and let yourself relax and enjoy the people around you.  And I think this part is just as important as antioxidants for a healthy heart and your overall health.  Doesn't matter what you drink, it matters who you're drinking with.
We did have Champagne however

We had Sunday brunch this past weekend.  While no wine was served, I know that both Jeff and I felt happier and more content that we have in weeks.  And isnt' that a key ingredient for good health?
He knows the secret to being happy

Having great people in your life is a blessing.  They share your burdens, make you laugh, give you confidence, keep your feet on the ground, and make your life worth living.  Be open to the people around you because you'll never know what good things they will bring to your life. 

Jeff is working late tonight.  It's his last day before he's off for 6 weeks.  I don't think his company is prepared for him to be gone that long.  He joked that he might have to take tech calls from the hospital and work from there.  I told him I was going to confiscate his phone and disable the wireless connection on his laptop.  Cleveland, and all of Ohio, will be work free zone for him.  I don't have a plan yet for when we get back home.  I'll probably just have to resort to threatening to tell him mom on him if he starts working from home.

Here on the home front, William is doing his homework, the kitten is chewing my toes, and I am living in the moment.  So open up a bottle of your favorite red, give a toast in celebration of life, and hug the people you hold dear to your heart.


Sara James said...

We aren't prepared to be w/o him for a day! But good on ya sister for making Cleveland a work free zone for him. He needs to rest and work is not's a means to an end so we can experience life with our friends and families. I promise any calls I make to him will only be to check on him :)

Unknown said...

So far the only calls from work have been from Adam. And he gets a pass since he's family.