Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hello Cleveland

Well we made it.  Our flight out of DC was delayed about 30 minutes.  The passengers all showed up on time but the pilot and flight crew didn't.  I didn't mind because the line I was in outside of Starbucks was huge and the delay gave me time to stand around and breathe in that wonderful coffee aroma.

First impressions - Cleveland is a nice mellow town.  The architecture where we are staying, Midtown area, is a good mix of old and new.  I took a few pictures but have to wait for Jeff to show me how to get them off the camera since we didn't bring the USB cable for it.  The area is in transition.  Lots of new clean buildings next to boarded up old ones.  Like cities everywhere good parts and bad.  Jeff and I are the minorities around here.  Taking a walk today, I felt like we stuck out like a sore thumb.  Never felt scared, just very conspicuous.  Certainly a new experience for me.  Sheltered Seattlite that I am.

The Brownstone Inn is beautiful.  I wish I'd gotten the chance to see more of it though.  We were there for all of about 5 minutes.  The owner, after realizing/remembering that we are staying for 2 weeks took us right to the apartment building he owns and set us up in Apartment 20.  The apartment will have to be the subject of another post.  I'll start by saying; it was the first specifically built apartment building in Cleveland.  And it certainly has that old building "charm".

Both Jeff and I have airplane colds.  Itchy red eyes, dry cough, and starting to get stuffed up.  Jeff is worried that this will delay his surgery date.  To be honest, so am I.  Thankfully in our wanderings today we found a CVS pharmacy just a few stops down on the Health Line. 

We went grocery shopping this afternoon before hitting the sack for some much needed sleep.  We were both going on over 30 hours with no sleep.  Groceries are limited, PB&J ingredients, Blackberry Tea (I will be filling my suitcase with boxes of this to bring home) Eggs,and Chicken Soup. 

Going back to bed now, if I can get Jeff off of the phone with his brother.  We have to be up early for Jeff's first appointment of the day.  It just hit me, this is really happening.

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