Tuesday, September 27, 2011

On Our Way

We are currently sitting in the N Gates terminal waiting for our flight.  I made a rookie mistake and left my debit card and some cash in my pocket as I went through security.  As a reward I got the special TSA pat-down service.  What a noob as my son would say.

I flew out of work today.  But not before double and triple checking that Jeff had been added to my medical coverage.  He is now the proud owner of a temporary insurance card and printouts from the UHC website showing him as a Covered Person.  I can not tell you how relieved I was.  

William cried when we got to the airport.  He isn't one for tears so when they come they are especially effective with me.  If I ever wanted a cloning machine it was then.  He's sad and he's scared and he feels abandoned during a stressful part of his life.  That tricky transition to middle school.  It breaks my heart and I feel like a terrible mom.  However this is an exceptional time for all of us.  And I am not going to be gone forever.  Jeff worked for a couple of hours today getting a webcam set up on William's computer so we can video chat everyday. He'll recover and probably even enjoy time away from us.

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