Friday, March 15, 2013

No Title

Unemployment Log: Entry date 20130315  Location, New couch of course
New couch.  Sorry for the crappy photo.

I am loving the new couch.  It's nice to have something to sit on again in the living room other than a pillow on  the hardwood floors.  Naturally the cats love it as well which drives Jeff crazy.  So last night we made a quick run through of Costco and picked up a Dyson, with a handheld pet hair remover vacuum head.
I also bought a flat of tulip that I need to go plant under the maple tree. I dug up last years bulbs to store in hibernation and use again this year.  But I lost them.  However I obviously missed a few bulbs because I currently have two tulips growing under the tree right now.  I love surprise flowers
Life has been pretty routine this week, not much to share.  The job search continues.  The president of one of the companies I worked with at EB sent my name and resume to Nike this week.  They asked me for more information, which I sent. This turn of events prompted Jeff and I to discuss the possibility of moving to Portland(ia). Not a prospect William is thrilled about.  I tried pretty hard to get him to think about the good things moving to a new city means but then he opened the garage door and just stood there. 
He looked at it.  He looked at me.  He looked back at the garage.  Then he shut the door. As he walked away he tossed over his shoulder, "Enough said."  Yup, that killed my enthusiasm right there.
If we move, we have to move the contents of Jeff's garage. Nearly the entire Craftsman catalog lives in that garage.  The contents of a medium sized RC car shop call his garage home.  All that stuff shares space with every last bit of audio and video gear that Jeff has picked up over the 15 year course of his career.  I could hold a Turkish Bazaar in that garage every weekend for an entire summer and still not clear it out.
Okay, I am off to plant my tulips.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Keep at the gym.. I will think about you so my body will then think I went!!!
You make my day every time I read these...