Thursday, March 07, 2013

Married Life

Unemployment Log:  Entry date 20130307  Location, In denial

“I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” -Rita Rudner
Ah Rita, how right you are. I just didn't know until recently that Jeff felt the same way.
For eight years the foundation of our relationship has been Jeff playing straight man to my comic genius. Even if that genius is only in my head.  My goal has always been to make him laugh at least once a day. Like when I told him about my 28 point reverse Pollock rotational turn to get out of Seattle's smallest parking garage on Tuesday.  Or when I penguin walked my way through half of Belle Sq. because I was wearing a skirt and my underwear was falling off my butt.  I didn't want to be "crass" by pulling it up in the middle of mall, so with thighs and knees firmly locked together to stop the downward trend of my underpants I waddled 128 yrds to the nearest bathroom.
Jeff is the logical, rational one in this partnership.  I am given to flights of fancy and grandiose thinking. I'll decide to dig a 4ft by 30ft trench in our yard for bamboo.  Jeff will rent me a backhoe.  I'll want to pour a 5ft by 15ft concrete front porch.  Jeff will rent the cement mixer and recruit our neighbors.  I like to tell him - You make all my half assed plans, fully assed.  That's my own special twist on the old You complete me.
Will I guess even Ricky had to cut loose once in a while and Lucy just had to sit back and let him go. So it is with fond amusement this past week that I have watched Jeff learn how to make music on his iPad.  Tired of being the middle aged white man with no rhythm he is now endeavoring to become the next Macklemore.
Jeff, finding his beat.
He played his first song for me last night.
This is going to be a very painful stretch in our hopefully very long marriage.

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