Wednesday, March 13, 2013

New Things

Unemployment Log:  Entry date 20130313  Location, Staring bewilderedly at my living room

In honor of the new year I gave myself new bookshelves.  Which was a good thing because because it made me finally sort out my books and put them into a semblance of order.  It was also a bad thing because I then realized how many books have gone missing over the last few years. No, I don't know exactly how many books I own, but I do know when some are missing. It's like being a guy, he doesn't know how many hairs he has but he can sure see the bald spot when some are gone.

Please don't judge me by the roosters
I recently found a box of my books in the attic and it was with great joy that I started to put them away.  Joy gave way to concern, which then fled in the face of brutal reality...I was out of shelf space.  And I am still missing books.

Jeff has made clear however that no new bookshelves are to make their way into our house until after the new couch arrives.  Maybe not even then.  I would get mad except he's right.  Floor space in our house is at a premium.

After the bookshelves when up we turned around to survey the living room.  As one, our eyes fell on the old futon sofa Jeff had picked up from outside the back door of the Rent A Center his cousin worked at. When he got it, it was broken and needed a new mattress, but it was free.  Which at the time was Jeff's only criteria.  Now it was just old and sad looking.
"Probably time for a new couch." Jeff said
"Think I can get another free one?"
"Well hell.  Get the measuring tape."

After endless hours of talking about it, visiting furniture shops, and looking on-line we finally made a decision.  I got to pick the style, Jeff picked the fabric.  Well really the fabric picked him.  It's chocolaty brown microfiber softness called to him from across the showroom floor.  He sank down, face first, into it's fleecy goodness and sprawled across the length of the showroom couch like a dying man at a desert oasis.
"I want this one."
"It won't fit in our house."
"I don't care." Jeff said, "I want to take my clothes off and sleep on this for the rest of my life." His hand running up and down the couch cushions in a rather R rated way.
I stared at him in wonder/horror.  This was unexpected.  "Alright Plushie Boy." I said, "Quit fondling the cushions and help me find a couch that will fit our house and I promise we'll get that fabric."

So the new couch arrives today.  Which is why I am in the living room getting the place cleared out and ready for the delivery guys. I have also chewed off three of my fingernails worrying over how to get it into the house.  I honestly don't know if it will fit through the front door.  I may have to remove our front window.

I also don't know if I should just lay out pillows and blankets on it for when Jeff get's home or make him get them himself.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Tess, I can not stop laughing.. You have got to put all of these together and publish a book!
