Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Project Update

Unemployment Log:  Entry date 20130305  Location, Project command center

It took a lot of pestering but Will and I finally agreed on a color and decorating idea for his room. It was like dragging a sugared up toddler out of a Toys R Us. 

Last Friday I took myself down to the Home Depot and bought some primer-sealer to remove the skyline from the walls.
So long Space Needle.

See ya never, random rectangle shapes.
When Will came home from school he said it looked like it had snowed in Seattle.  We spent Saturday turning that dusting of snow into a complete white out.  Then it was back to Home Depot to have them make a custom color sample for me from an old towel. 

While we were out Jeff wanted to run a few other errands.  Not a problem except while clearing out William's room I had found an old copy of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. So now there I was traveling through town with a towel on my lap...yep I brought it with me on every stop.  Don't Panic and Bring Your Own Towel.  God I love Douglas Adams.  Jeff tolerated the towel at the bank.  He gave me funny looks when the towel joined us for lunch.  But when towel and I joined him in the auto store he snapped.
"Why the hell are you bringing that towel everywhere today?"
"A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have." I quoted and gave him my duh don't you know that? look.
I had obviously stunned him with my superior logic and knowledge of 30 year old literary quotes.  Or, more likely, he was once again trying to figure out what he'd done wrong to end up married to me.

Running errands with Jeff always takes a minimum of 4 hours so we arrived home in time for me to cook dinner.  After dinner I painted a portion of the wall with my sample paint and declared the day done.
I dubbed it The Smoke Monster.
And bid a good night to William who got to sleep next to it.
Sunday brought....what else, another trip to Home Depot for a gallon of my Smoke Monster grey.  Then back home for another day of painting.
My hand started to cramp at this point

Here's where my shoulder gave out.
Four ibuprofen, a slice of cold pizza and I declared my day done.  Too bad the room wasn't done as well.  I tend to wear out before my project do. Hmmm.

After my minor panic attach yesterday I set to work painting the trim pieces and the ceiling.  Because I was on the phone with the passport lady early in the morning I missed catching my neighbor before she left for work.  I had wanted to borrow their sawhorses.  So I improvised.  One thing I have plenty of around the house is bricks.  Couple of brick sawhorses later and I was ready to go.
Yes Virginia there are sunny days in Seattle.
I was moving pretty slow but by the time William came home from school I was done.

While he was happy the painting part was done, all
he really cared about was that his computer was available.
 Well actually I am about 90% done.  I still have some tape to remove and I discovered I had missed one of the door trim pieces.
Ignore the tape and the missing trim.
And the teddy bear.  William definitely doesn't want you to see
The Teddy Bear
The next phase, and the last 10% of the project is...a surprise.  You'll just have to wait.

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