Monday, February 18, 2013

Projects of Change

Unemployment Log: Entry Date 20130218  Location: Project Command Center

We had our friends over for dinner awhile back. When I asked Jeff what I should make he just smiled and said, "You know what to make."  And I did, roasted chicken manicotti in alfredo sauce, specialty of the house. I took a stab at making bread pudding, it's been almost 20 a long time since I made it and I wasn't sure I remembered how.  Results were mixed, it tasted wonderful but was a bit custardy.  I think I needed to add more bread, and a bit more time in the oven.

Dinner parties are fun but I am ready to sink my teeth into a bigger project. To that end I have once again turned to William. Well more specifically I have turned my project seeking eyes to his bedroom walls.

When the boys and I first moved in to the house almost 8 years ago this room used to be Jeff's. Because he's a man and does manly things in garages he'd never gotten around to painting over the sheep and flower border in his bedroom.  Even more strange, there was a declaration of love for his brother painted in glow-in-the-dark paint on the ceiling.

Turns out the house was previously owned by the parents of one love sick teen aged girl who had harbored quite the crush on young Mr. Adam. These are the perils of buying a house two blocks from your childhood home. When I asked Jeff if seeing "I (heart) Adam" every night bothered him, he replied in perfect seriousness, "No. I am asleep. My eyes are closed so I can't see it."

While I was all for fraternal love, the declaration, the sheep, and flowers had to go. Two very busy weekends later, the boys were surrounded by a city skyline at dusk.

My attempt at painting a city skyline
Now there is just the one boy left at home and the walls have seen their fair share of abuse. It's time for a change. William is not enthusiastic since I have let it be known that my painting skills do not extend to large fire breathing dragons.  The walls are highly textured so I don't think I could do wallpaper. However I am not giving up, so stay tuned and I'll share the progress with you.

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