Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love Letter to My Husband

Delivered yesterday. They are even more beautiful today.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone. So it's a Hallmark holiday, so what? Sometimes we need a little push to help us celebrate the love that's in our lives. Or we could resurrect the old vinegar valentines tradition. Let's not shall we?

Onto my Valentine's Day letter to my husband.

Card from aYa designs
Hi Honey,
I know the other night you were upset because I was feeling pretty low and you didn't know what to do to help. Have you tried WikiHow? Cause I did, and here's some of what they say:

1. Be Honest
When I was building our backyard planter and I was half way through setting the foundation you came out and told me it wasn't level. I wanted to hit you with one of those bricks, but you were right. You also spent the rest of day helping me reset everything and got it all level. I appreciate that you aren't afraid to tell me the hard things.  But even more I love that you aren't afraid to pitch in and make things right.

2. Communicate
Anytime you are out of town I know I'll get a call or text before I go to bed.  No matter how busy your day was you have always made it a point to reach out and let me know you're thinking about me. More importantly you let me in on everything in your life. When you were trying to figure out which wheel spacers to buy for the truck you sat me down and explained, in excruciating comprehensive detail the pros and cons of each size. I don't know how my sitting there mute with glazed eyes helped, but you made a decision. And then thanked me for helping you! What I am trying to communicate to you is, I love how you make me a part of your life.  I know that my opinion, or lack of one, matters to you.
3.Respect Her
Everything you do and say, or don't do and bite your tongue on, shows your respect and your pride in me.  More importantly in my mind it shows your trust in me.  When you were sick and going through all those treatments, you weren't afraid to show your vulnerability and give up control of things to me. You trusted me to make decisions with your doctors about your care. You trusted me to pull your teeth out of a toilet full of vomit. And if my unflinching willingness to retrieve your lost teeth didn't earn some measure of your respect then I give up.
4. Be Romantic
You may not be Mr. Romance in a traditional sense but you show how much you love me everyday. You open doors for me.  You get out and pump gas.  You change my car's oil and take care of routine maintenance. You do those little things around the house I ask you to do.  The big things too. You know my favorite foods, favorite bands, and favorite thing to do on a lazy Sunday. You hold my hand when we walk. You kiss me just because you're walking by. And you have never let a day go by without telling me "I love you".
So honey, there it is. You don't need to do anything special to make me feel better. You're already doing it each and every day. I couldn't love you more.

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