Thursday, December 29, 2005

Was I the last sucker left on your phone list?

Well this week is almost over. Thank goodness. I took the tree down last night and the BF decided that the carpets should be washed. He then spend the next few hours shampooing them. Didn't ask for help, didn't moan and groan about doing "women's' work", just got down and cleaned them. I was sorry that I'd already printed out my list of Reasons Why I Love You. Cause let me tell you - last night would have made the top 10 list.

Apparently I am now a manual writer at work. I've never written an Install Manual before in my life. I've read quite a few and none of them have ever left me with the desire to sit at my keyboard and write one. That being very first manual is at the printers now and will arrive at work next week. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Everything was templated out for me and I was really just revising on old one. However when it comes time to update the ole resume...yeah I am not going to include this particular skill. I have no aspirations to be a technical writer. This blog is about as much writing as I like to do in a day.

The business next to ours is visted once a week by a cryogenic truck.  The truck hooks up to something inside the building. It's a big mystery around here. We NEVER see anyone who works next door except on the days this truck arrives. Do they have frozen heads over there? Whole people? Is it a storage place for frozen sperm?

It's so much more fun trying to guess then it would ever be to just go over there and ask.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The wasted week

The week between Christmas and New Years is such a waste of time. Most of the people in our industry take this week off which makes it difficult to get projects done. I've always suffered from a kind of post Christmas depression. PCD. Even really great Christmas' leave me feeling sort of hollow and empty. I think it's the big build up associated with it all. Then the day after you're left with the mess, the prospect of taking down the tree and all the decorations you've put up, and if you're unlucky enough having to go back out to the mall.

The BF and I went out on Friday night and saw Fun with Dick and Jane. It was hysterically funny. There was absolutely no chemistry between the main characters but it doesn't really matter. It was just fun watching Jim Carrey be Jim Carrey. Afterwards I spilled soda all over the interior of my car, including into my CD player and touch screen navigation unit. I was horrified! I have a warranty on all the electronics in my car but not if they've had soda spilled on them. It only took the BF two and a half hours to pull my dash apart, remove and clean everything even remotely electrical and put it all back together. I am very happy to say that it all works perfectly. And I am never drinking in my car again.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Holiday goodies

My mom hates Christmas. She doesn't like shopping, can't stand crowds, and is generally rather Scrooge like every December. Unfortunately her attitude tends to rub off on me. This year it was really hard for me to get into the spirit of things. Money has been tight and for the last few years it seams like the quantity and quality (money) of the gifts you buy for people is more important then anything else. The holidays have become a ritual of greed in which, as the only female in my family, I am expected to lead. It is up to me to buy the gifts we send out, decorate the house, prepare the holiday foods, and keep tabs on the emotional well being of our extended network of friends and family. Granted all these jobs are somewhat self appointed but the social pressure to conform and take on these tasks is enormous.

It was with these things in mind that I headed out to do the last of my Christmas buying last weekend. Needless to say nothing much was accomplished. When I came home I saw that the BF had hung up Christmas lights around the exterior of the house. I love Christmas lights. They are my favorite part of the holidays. The Frex never saw the point of putting up lights. To him it was just an additional expense and another chore he didn't want to do. The last Christmas we were together he did put up lights but it was to compete with the neighbors, not to make me happy. So anyways, I was crying by the time I pulled into the driveway. Lights, red and blue, strung along the edges of the roof, the tree glowing through the window. My family safe and warm inside. I Love Christmas.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


So I was going to take a week or two off from blogging.....yeah it became a 4 month break. Don't worry you haven't missed much. I bought a new car, well new to me. It's a 2003 Jaguar S type R and I love it! Horsepower was never important to me until I had 400 of it all packed into a sleek and, I think, sexy, curvy, road hugging, package. Okay so it sucks down gas like a fat kid sucks up cake, but I still adore every white inch of it.

Work is crazy right now. We're suppose to be in our slow period - HA! I think we should send our sales guys on vacation or something because they're killing us with all these new jobs.

I found a blog last week that has completely sucked me in. I don't want to post a link to it because I feel like I would be violating his privacy by "advertising" it. Weird concept considering it is an on-line blog, but that's how I feel right now. Reading his posts is like catching a glimpse of what my marriage would have been like had I stayed instead of leaving when I did. Some couples can recover from an affair and some just can't.

My older boy is no longer allowed to go into the drugstore with me. A few weeks ago we're wondering the aisles waiting to get a prescription filled and he finds the condoms. He has a peculiar fascination with them after reading about them in the "sex book" I gave him when we had The Talk. In his "outside voice" he says,
"Hey mom I found the condoms."

"Great, but we don't need them."

" what's a res-a-vo-eer tip"

"Oh my god will you just leave them alone and get over here?!"

"Studded. Is that like the snow tires?"

"I am leaving now. Good bye!"

I though the woman at the other end of the aisle was going to fall over and wet her pants she was laughing so hard.

I received an email from an old HS friend just before Thanksgiving. I wrote her back but have yet to hear from her again. Odd.