Monday, August 01, 2005

Working for peanuts

First day in the new office. I tried to avoid traffic by going in before 7. Ha! Can't believe I thought that was going to work. Thankfully I arrived at the same time as some other employees who let me in the building. I don't have a keycard yet.

My new "office" is an 18"x48" table pushed against a wall with a picture of, god help me, Chuck Norris hanging above it. Fabulous. All the parts of my computer are on the desk waiting for me to assemble. No problem I've put together plenty of computer systems and hey this way I can get my "desk" set up the way I want it. Computer is up and running....I can't log in. They didn't give me a password. It's still before 8am and there are about 5 of us in the building and the other 4 are not in the IT dept. I decided it was tea time.

A perk of the new company is the free peanuts in the breakroom. Yep folks free peanuts. And if you don't like peanuts there's pretzels and Red Vines. So we aren't allowed to bring over any alcohol but we get all the bar food we can eat. I run into a fellow Seattleite and he tells me the magic password to get me into the system. Thank god cause they were running low on Red Vines and I was gonna have to start in on the pretzels pretty soon.

I ran into a few problems getting Outlook to accept the PST files I'd made. No surprise there. Outlook is a pain in the ass on a good day. The IT guy and I are getting along pretty good especially when he finds out that I can actually read the binary clock I have on my desk. He's probably the only person there I feel comfortable asking for help from.

There are two projects in my In-Box that are due tomorrow. One of them I was able to pretty much do today. I spent most of my time trying to figure out how to get our drawings into their titleblocks or vice versa. The He Man Women Haters Club (HMWHC) is less then helpful. They told me that their blocks are stored on the B drive. HMMMM never used a B drive before. Yeah that would be the engineering drive on the company server. It propagates a unique drive letter when you map it. No one had thought to set me up with permissions on the server so I could map the engineering drive. Why would an engineering drafter need that?

Most of the day I just wanted to go home. I didn't want to be there and I didn't want to work. I didn't want to sit in a room with a bunch of guys that weren't even going to ask if I needed any help figuring out how to find the right plotter on the print server, or what CTB file I should use to print, or even say Happy Fucking Monday to me.

I need a new job. I did see a couple of openings, while they were all at lunch and I felt free to surf the net for awhile, that I am going to send my resume in for. Cross your fingers for me.

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